[u]First and foremost:[/u] I want to thank [b]EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU[/b] incredible people who supported Scarmonde on its [b]INCREDIBLY[/b] successful release day! Thank you so, SO very much for all of the amazing comments and love! :) As with most games these days, I of course had to pop out a l'il update on the day of release to squash and address some minor issues! [u]Listed below are the changes made with this update:[/u] [b]- Corrected several spelling mistakes in the dialogue for some NPCs. - Corrected an error within an Item description. - Fixed passability issues with some tiles. - Certain enemies given (relatively minor) buffs. - Adjusted amount of MP Recovered per-turn by the “Mana Spring” spell - DUSKAR Class only allowed 6 letters/characters in the name assigned to it, but now allows 8. - Removed the “????” default names each character started with.[/b]