We've identified and fixed a bunch of bugs (some 14 year old originals, some brand new to the remaster, oops) and pushed those fixes live in an update we have creatively named "1.4.0!" Thanks to everyone who wrote in with reports. The version 1.4.0 patch is now live on Steam, and will be making its way to other platforms in the near future. What's fixed? Read on... [h3]All Episodes:[/h3] [list][*]Fixed sign spinner textures that were horizontally mirrored in Russian.[/list] [h3]Episode 301: The Penal Zone[/h3] [list][*]Fixed Max's "Don't bother him, Sam!" line missing translations. [*]Fixed background disappearing when teleporting while Max is being strangled in Lab Street. [*]Fixed Sam's hat briefly intersecting the background during "first teleport" cutscene. [*]Fixed the Toybox power cable rudely intersecting Max in final cutscene.[/list] [h3]Episode 302: The Tomb of Sammun-Mak[/h3] [list][*]Hid curse effects when cutting to projection room after picking up love letter in Green Car. [*]Fixed Can 'O Nuts animation popping when Nefertiti goes to see Jurgen. [*]Fixed train car wall being visible on projection screen when finishing reel 3. [*]Fixed Russian typo in Elf dialog choice in Yellow Car. [*]Fixed incorrect Russian translation of ratings joke in Tomb.[/list] [h3]Episode 303: They Stole Max's Brain![/h3] [list][*]Fixed Sammun-Mak statue's mouth sometimes getting stuck open after a cutscene. Apologies to lord Sammun-Mak for the embarrassment this caused. [*]Fixed Grandpa Stinky VO playing when interacting with statue after he's gone. [*]Fixed spelling of "Granda Stinky" in notebook. [*]Fixed incorrect Russian translation of "Canis Erectus" sign in Museum. [*]Fixed purple outlines when Narrator is on screen in final cutscene [*]Fixed incorrect Russian translation of "Oh, brother." [*]Added missing sound effects when using Future Vision on Papierwaite during fight.[/list] [h3]Episode 304: Beyond the Alley of the Dolls[/h3] [list][*]Fixed Max's gun and muzzle flash sometimes being visible after shooting tentacles or detransforming in Clone Chamber. [*]Fixed Max's gun sometimes being visible after detransforming in Museum Office. [*]Fixed Sam sometimes being off screen when reading his mind in Lab. [*]Fixed lip sync interfering with Max's seance trance animation when summoning Momma Bosco in Lab. [*]Fixed thoughts and effects stickers not translated into Russian in Lab. [*]Fixed transformation FX drawing behind Max in Statue of Liberty. [*]Fixed Max's legs drawing if front of piano when he ascends in Statue of Liberty. [*]Fixed Max's glow FX in Statue of Liberty. Max's eyes glowing white: gamer's delight. [*]Fixed Max disappearing if you skip his first line of dialog after grabbing the tentacle in Statue of Liberty (Nintendo Switch only).[/list] [h3]Episode 305: The City That Dares Not Sleep[/h3] [list][*]Adjusted buildings so you can't see into the void when using gun on Max Monster in Lab Street. Increased volume of sound FX when Maimtron crashes into Max Arms. [*]Fixed static characters visible in final shot of epilogue. [*]Added footsteps and other missing sound effects to epilogue. [*]Fixed erratic Narrator eyebrow movement when Sam accuses him of lying. [*]Fixed Max's lips moving while Sam is talking and other language resource bugs in epilogue cutscenes. [*]Fixed Sam Jr. inventory VO not playing in some places. [*]Fixed uranium pellets texture not translated into Russian in Max Stomach. [*]Fixed incorrect narrator superego name plate normal map in German and Russian.[/list] If you've got a bug that you've encountered but don't see it here, please let us know in the comments and we'll do our best to squash it. (Or do our best to help you out if it's less of a bug, and more of a [i]you[/i] problem.)