It's been about two weeks since Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse shipped, and we've been having a blast watching you all play the game, both the folks who have been replaying it again years later, and the lucky first-timers. Thank you, all of you! We've also been busy. Thanks to the help of fans writing in or posting playthroughs, and a bunch of help from Sam & Max players across Discord, we were able to identify and squash a ton of bugs. While some of these were new to the remaster, many of them are 14-year-old bugs from the original game. Finely aged bugs. They lived a long and full life, but alas, it is their time. The version 1.3.0 patch is now live on Steam, and will be making its way to other platforms in the near future. [h3]All Episodes:[/h3] [list][*] Fixed Max sometimes going invisible during cutscenes when de-transforming from Rhinoplasty. [*] Fixed instances where Max was sometimes scaled infinitely small if the player left a scene when Max was still shapeshifted via Rhinoplasty. [*] Fixed hotspots sometimes being briefly visible in Max Mode. [*] Fixed times when the cursor would get stuck as your currently active inventory item deep in the pause menu. [*] Fixed moments where Sam would appear to collapse in a little bit at the shoulders at random seeming times. Or maybe his arms would go slightly into his body and his ears go droopy. (It was an animation compression issue! Now you know!) [*] Restored Charlie looking at the camera in Max Mode while Max is holding him. [*] Removed Shakespeare quote from dialog box scene that was sometimes visible very briefly. RIP to some great writing by the Bard. [*] Removed old ratings from VHS covers in main menu. [*] Fixed visual pop that sometimes appeared briefly at the beginning of opening credits. [*] Fixed places where timed sequences would expire while the player was in the middle of opening Max Mode, causing Max mode to try and close itself at the same time. We have sorted it out; the game is no longer trying to destroy itself in these moments. [*] UI systems (Max Mode, Inventory, etc.) can no longer be activated before a scene's intro cutscene has started. [*] Fixed Yog-Soggoth spelled incorrectly in multiple places. Sorry about that, Yog-Soggoth. No disrespect. [*] Fixed reversed characters in Russian subway map texture.[/list] [h3]Episode 301: The Penal Zone[/h3] [list][*] Fixed times when the camera would stubbornly refuse to change after backing out of DeSoto close-up view, leaving players stuck on in that camera. [*] Fixed times where the DeSoto was sometimes missing after loading a save. [*] Fixed situations where the BoscoTech Labs elevator would be in the wrong position when teleporting out from ground floor, then teleporting back in again. [*] Fixed DeSoto animation pop when backing up in Street enter cutscene. [*] Fixed Skunkape's feet sticking out of ship in Street intro cutscene. They were really tiny, it was adorable. Now fixed. [*] Fixed hatchet floating in the air after skipping lines when talking to Flint. [*] Fixed Russian translation of "incontinent cop" when asking Stinky about the letter. [*] Fixed Street music not returning after talking to COPS when choosing "Phone call." [*] Stopped Sam from continuing to move around on the flag pole above BoscoTech Labs even if the game is paused. [*] Adjusted Max's Future Vision image of Pudding Head Lincoln to align with actual events. [*] Fixed missing background behind Sam when using Future Vision on him while on Skunkape's Flagship in Act 3. [*] Fixed old cutscene framing when teleporting back to the DeSoto if you left it in the Mysterious Alley. [*] Fixed Grandpa Stinky's badge visible when using future vision on him in act 3. [*] Fixed Grandpa Stinky not moving in Max mode while holding Max. [*] Fixed back button visible after teleporting from Stinky's to Stinky's cell phone in act 3. [*] Fixed incorrect Russian translation when using back door in Meesta Pizza. [*] Moved Flint Paper Nutri-Specs content from Stinky's to a new location, so you can still hear it. Find Flint somewhere else later in the episode! [*] Moved Superball's Nutri-Specs content from Street to Ship. [*] Moved Demon Broth Nutri-Specs content from Stinky's to Ship. [*] Added missing sound effects to use banana peel cutscene in Pawn Shop. You're welcome. [*] Fixed instances where a second Rift Generator could be added to inventory after plugging it in, teleporting to Lab and then teleporting elsewhere. Sorry Rift Generator dupers, this loophole is now closed. (Having multiple Rift Generators was useless, and just made life harder, to be clear.) [*] Fixed background actors sliding instead of walking in the background behind Bob's Toys! (Nintendo Switch only).[/list] [h3]Episode 302: The Tomb of Sammun-Mak[/h3] [list][*] Fixed Max being able to use ventriloquism on Sam and the Guardian while stuck on the wall in the Tomb. [*] Fixed Sam moving when game is paused while stuck on the wall in the Tomb. [*] Fixed Max missing when returning to Tomb after switching reels while stuck on the wall. [*] Fixed Bust going missing from the pedestal after getting hexed by Nefertiti in Tomb. [*] Removed dead space at the end of cutscene in the Tomb where the Toybox gets enchanted. [*] Fixed another item dupe situation: It was previously possible to add a second Sammun-Mak bustto inventory after splitting the first one and getting stuck on Tomb wall. [*] Fixed blown out lighting in Sam ventriloquism cutscenes. [*] Added missing sound FX to a few Can 'O Nuts cutscenes. [*] Fixed scream when using ventriloquism on Nefertiti in Tomb. THEM. [*] Adjusted Max mode camera in blue train car so you can't see into the void. Void's privacy now being respected. [*] Fixed Mole Dad getting stuck in T-pose in green train car after opening trunk and asking him about it. [*] Improved mallet sound effect when Snowcone hits Icebox on the street, after solving the toy idea puzzle. [*] Fixed Cavern finale music continuing to play during Narrator sequence.[/list] [h3]Episode 303: They Stole Max's Brain![/h3] [list][*] Added autosaves to interrogation sequence. [*] Fixed dialog UI sometimes going off screen during interrogation scenes if you made a choice right when a character's explanation was coming to an end. [*] Added missing sound effects to a few enter and exit cutscenes in interrogation sequence. [*] Fixed buildings falling behind Sign Spinner Minion when he gives Sam the Rhinoplasty. [*] Fixed Sam's holster sometimes not being attached in Museum. [*] Fixed Minions missing their weapons when returning to Planetarium in act 2. [*] Fixed incorrect Norrington picture in notebook before discovering his identity. [*] Fixed Street lighting being too bright in Max mode. [*] Fixed Sam's bulging eyes in Street intro cutscene. 👀 [*] Fixed camera intersecting the brain pack when using a door while Max is transformed outside the Radio Yurt. [*] Fixed Max dialog repeating when entering Egyptian Planetarium the first time. [*] Fixed duplicate Max sometimes being visible during Planetarium finale. Timestream altered, jackass.[/list] [h3]Episode 304: Beyond the Alley of the Dolls[/h3] [list][*] Fixed clone not looking at Sam in Clone Chamber intro cutscene. [*] Fixed Max's gun and muzzle flash not getting hidden after shooting tentacles in the Clone Chamber. [*] Changed text from "Hey little buddy!" to "Max!" to match Sam's voice when talking to Max. [*] Fixed door intersecting trash can when using Future Vision on Sam in the Museum Office. [*] Fixed clones intersecting debris in the Clone Chamber. [*] Fixed Sam's "use microphone" line in the Clone Chamber not making sense after cloning Momma Bosco. [*] Fixed spelling in "Tunnel to Clone Camber" text in Lab. It's a Chamber now. [*] Fixed spelling of "PLAINS" in Sam line in Statue of Liberty finale. [*] Fixed Bosco's letter inventory item missing an alpha channel in Russian.[/list] [h3]Episode 305: The City That Dares Not Sleep[/h3] [list][*] Fixed music switching too early in BoscoTech Labs before Sybil shows up. [*] Fixed Maimtron lip sync not working. [*] Fixed opening credits montage font missing Cyrillic characters. [*] Fixed Grandpa Stinky's lighting being blown out on Skunkape's Flagship when using low quality graphics on PC. [*] Fixed Grandpa Stinky's position on the Flagship during dialog so he's facing Sam. [*] Fixed Sal sometimes being visible in Lab Street final cutscene when he should be long gone. [*] Fixed Russian translation of "All rights reserved" in closing credits.[/list] If you've got a bug that you've encountered but don't see it here, please let us know in the comments and we'll do our best to squash it. (Or do our best to help you out if it's less of a bug, and more of a [i]you[/i] problem.)