Hey folks, thank you for playing Rusty's Retirement so far! Here are a few quick fixes to some bugs that were found in the demo: [list] [*] Auto-save has been added and the game will pause to save every 15 minutes unless disabled. [*] Always on top fix on Mac. [*] I couldn’t reproduce the black background on Mac, but I have added an extra check to see if it helps solve the issue. If the issue persists, try closing the demo and reopening it again - this seems to work for most Mac users. [*] Player log should collect fewer actions. [*] In some specific cases, buildings would persist after demolition. Now that shouldn’t be the case. [*] Rusty or Haiku would get permanently stuck on a building if it was demolished while they were working on it. For now, they will still try to finish the building but it just won’t spawn at the end (note to self: this needs reworking in the future) [*] Transparent text sometimes appears on computers/monitors with anti-aliasing enabled. For now, please disable anti-aliasing and I will look for a more permanent fix in the meantime. [/list] The 3 biggest pieces of feedback: [olist] [*] Yo, let me move my house [*] Yo, let me control Rusty’s priority [*] And yo, let me play vertically! [/olist] I’ve noted your feedback and I will make sure to include these for the full release. Thank you so much for playing! The response has been nothing short of amazing and it makes me really happy to see so many people enjoy the game. Fun fact, this started off as a bit of a joke amongst friends and now it's turned into something pretty cool ːorange_heartː [hr][/hr] Please keep the feedback and suggestions coming, you guys have some absolutely amazing ideas, and I look forward to diving back into development to add them!