[h1]Hey there Architects![/h1] I try to be as transparent as possible, so this won't affect anyone who has already purchased RPG Architect. Given that we are (actually over) halfway to 1.0 being released on Steam and exiting Early Access, I will be adjusting the pricing to reflect this. The target price, upon exiting Early Access will (ideally) be $69.99 USD (double the current cost, because it will be a "finished enough" product to warrant it), though it may be subject to change. To reflect where we are, the current price will be increasing to $49.99 USD starting in June. If you have been sitting on the fence, this will be the last opportunity to get RPG Architect at its current price point, given that the plan is to continue developing it for the decade after leaving Early Access. The price point for other territories will increase by roughly 50% from where it currently is. Things that are coming (some VERY) soon: [list] [*] 2D lo-bit Template. [*] Dungeon Crawler Template. [*] Customizable Weather Effects. [*] Further Scripting for Entering/Exiting Battle; Equipping/Unequipping Items; Loading/Saving Games; etc. [*] Minimaps/Map Composition from Image. [*] Improved Parallax Layer Behavior. [*] ...and a lot more...! [/list] There are a laundry list of things planned for 1.0. The plan is still to exit Early Access this year, likely in Q4.