You asked for it, we listened. This is a [b]big[/b] functionality update before our first game jam ([url=][/url]) that should hopefully show the "RPG Architect" difference. [h2]Entity Spawning, Removal, and Persistence[/h2] Two new commands have been added under the Map command group -- Spawn Entity and Remove Entity. You can choose whether or not the resulting entities are "persisted" (e.g. saved between maps and play-throughs) or not. This will open up several "town building" or "farming" mini-games, if you choose to do this. If you just want to spawn entities (without persistence), you can do that too -- maybe you're making a Gauntlet-style game where monsters spawn from a place that has to be destroyed? In addition, there are several options for removing entities -- you could clear ALL of the entities from a map and start over... who knows? The options are up to you! Changelog: [list] [*] Persistent entities added. [*] Spawn and remove entity commands added. [*] Remapped the color of commands for better visibility. [*] Minor fix to protect against "bad" colliders. [/list]