[h2]Happy Saint Patrick's Day![/h2] Today's major feature update (the first "major" update post-early access release) finishes a big cycle of development that will help take your games to the next level. With the current feature set, an Adventure/Action RPG should be easier to build... and even if not, you'll have an easier workflow with entities and NPCs. Today's update closes the last of the Physics updates as well as Entity References (or Entity Definitions). Entity Definitions are entities that can be programmed in the database, rather than the map, and then leveraged [b]inside[/b] the map. For example, say you want a common enemy -- define it in the database as an Entity Definition, then add references to it in the map for every location you want that enemy. ...but wait, there's more! Suppose you want to have a "common" template for something -- doors, treasure chests, and so forth. Entity References can actually [b]convert[/b] to Entities. So, suppose you want to have standard states, messages, but need to adjust a few variables -- define an Entity Definition as a "template" in the database, create a reference on your map, then Convert it to an Entity and you're good to go. In the future, one more thing will make Action/Adventure RPG's "easier" -- Projections. This is the equivalent of a sword swinging in front of you, a fireball being shot, etc. This will come in time, but can otherwise be emulated in the meantime. Now, per my standard changelog for the TLDR crowd: [list] [*] Entity References linking to Entity Definitions now possible in Maps. [*] Doodads can now Snap to Grid. [*] Content Dialogs can now be dragged around, if you want to see something behind them. [/list]