[h2]WHAT'S NEW[/h2] [list] [*] Selected items are now remembered when going through the Item Stock at home, or the Item Pouch during Ventures and Night Raids [*] Inventory counts are now shown on the Item Stock/Pouch screen [*] Increased effectiveness of Food and Drink items during Night Raids/Ventures [*] Inventory screen can now be scrolled by +/- 10 with D-Pad Up and Down [*] Item stock menu now checks items by category instead of type (most still don't do anything regardless) [*] Added more warning messages for missing or situational features [*] Voyages now give EXP to the participants [*] Improved decay/relationship gains and losses from playing minigames with a helping player/party member [*] Mood bonuses are now cleared after every fight [/list] [h2]WHAT'S FIXED[/h2] [list] [*] Active Reverian and their visitor not being visible during active switching scene [*] Secret boss not having colour sprites [*] Quest board exiting to the homeland hub menu even if accessed elsewhere [*] Tourney progress not going pass no. 22 [*] AWAY icon not disappearing in outing-related select screens [*] Food and Drink items potentially not healing/harming [*] Certain minigames not gauging personality correctly [/list]