Welcome to all humble explorers!
Author: AbbeyManuel,
published 7 years ago,
Hey explorer, good chance you're just coming in from this amazing [url=https://www.humblebundle.com/wild-frontier-bundle]Humble deal[/url]. In that case: Welcome aboard Renowned Explorers! There's a few things you might want to know before your first game...
Or actually, no. Just start playing your first game. You'll be fine. But perhaps read this introduction to Renowned Explorers' wonderful community right after.
[i]Emilia discovers a pirate with a budding interest in botany![/i]
So since you're here, it's worth knowing that Renowned Explorers' community is as vibrant as it is skilled and knowledgeable. Here are some pointers if you want to hop in, or simply want to learn more about the game:
[*] [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/296970/guides/]Player-made guides[/url]
[*] [url=renownedexplorers.gamepedia.com]A fan-made wiki[/url]
[*] This week's [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/296970/discussions/0/133261907149856011/]Weekly Community Challenge[/url] (Open to all levels, but recommended after you've finished at least 1 playthrough)
[*] Dozens of [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/296970/discussions/0/485623406962125407/]fan-fiction stories[/url] about Renowned Explorers
[*] [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/296970/discussions/]Discussions[/url], get all your answers here. Like we said the community, the community is very knowledgeable, and friendly too! Plus, us devs we'll be reading everything there!
[*] If you have any technical issues, we'll be [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/296970/discussions/1/]here[/url], at your service.
Be sure to hang around, things are about to get interesting with our new expansion right around the corner! If you want to stay up to date, here are some options:
[*][url=http://steamcommunity.com/games/296970]Subscribe to Steam group[/url]
And if you really can't wait. Don't forget there's already an expansion for Renowned Explorers:
[i]To all the veterans[/i]: [b]<3[/b] We know this entire adventure is possible because of you. We really see the Humble Bundle as yet another chapter in the story of RE:IS, which we hope you keep reading, as it's almost time for The Emperor's Challenge! Since today you can wishlist it:
Good luck and have fun on your adventures,
~ Abbey Games