While we aim to release a big content patch in the middle of October, there's a lot of things that we could do to improve your experience right now. For the full change notes, go to the [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/296970/discussions/0/520518688938133991/]change notes topic[/url]. Below follows a description of the important changes. [b]Captain Perks[/b] - Many people noticed that Anna's Captain Perk, a bonus that you get for selecting her as captain, is stronger and more fun than other perks. We thought about nerfing it, but since a lot of people enjoy playing like that, we decided to keep it in. Instead we experimented with some replacement Captain Perks for other Captains that play equally nicely to Anna's and Kiwi's captain perks. So try out Yvonne, Charles and Dolores to find their new captain perks that will influence your strategy during the whole game. [b]Character Inspection during Menus[/b] - There were complaints about not being able to inspect perks, stats or items while shopping around, making a choice in a Story or doing something else. Frankly, we were clicking around too much ourselves as well. From this patch on, you can click your character's portraits while in a Entourage/Item Shop, Story or any other UI to make a better choice. You can't however swap items while doing something else. [b]Loads of balance[/b] - Adriaan, our lead designer whom you may know as AbbeyAdriaan in the Community Hub,has been keeping an eye on how people play by looking at your posts and our testers. Informed by you, he made many small changes to increase the number of viable strategies and tweak the challenge curve. Check the full patch notes to see what changed. [b]Achievements[/b] - A number of people discovered that a few achievements didn't trigger correctly. We can now say with certainty that you can 100% complete Renowned Explorers. Good luck, expedition leaders. [b]A Bunch of Fixes[/b] - Rutger, one of the gameplay programmers at the Abbey, has been fixing a bunch of small issues that were reported here on the forums or elsewhere. Again, view the full notes for this. Think of serialization problems, interfaces for small screens. [i]As reward for reading through this, here's a preview for what we'll release in October. Make sure you join our [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/296970]Steam Group[/url] to hear about all updates.[/i] [img]http://www.renownedexplorers.com/files/october.png[/img] We hope all these improvements help you enjoy the game more and longer. Venture forth!