[img]http://www.renownedexplorers.com/files/hotlink/Patch15_RioEntourage.png[/img] While Manuel is in Malmö, Sweden for the Nordic Game Conference, our Abbey is buzzing with work on the expansion for Renowned Explorers. We'll release info on that real soon. All I can say right now is that it's closer than you might think :) In between the expansion work Adriaan and me found the time to create a small but interesting patch that adds a new entourage member, balances certain gameplay and fixes a number of reported issues. You can read the full patch notes [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/296970/discussions/0/520518688938133991/?ctp=11#c357286663671173640]here[/url], but let's focus on a few things right here: [h1]Rio Reworked[/h1] Rio de Janeiro is a bustling town, always seeing people come and go. In this patch, we introduce [b]Flavia[/b], a new entourage member you can recruit by using Status. This also means that Rio now has 4 levels of entourage, allowing you to recruit 4 specialists. [h1]Ivan's Captain Perk[/h1] Ivan's captain perk has always been... polarized. With the new balance you get more of that juicy [b]Supply Capacity[/b] out of it. Of course you still have to deal with the [b]-1 Resolve[/b], stemming from Ivan's questionable leadership. [h1]Other changes[/h1] You'll also find some small changes in the research tree, and with the so called off-resource entourage members in Istanbul (Rami, Zafira and Amon). Read the patch notes for more changes, and the assorted gameplay fixes! For now that's it, but check back soon to learn more about Renowned Explorers first expansion.