[b][h3]Hello Awakens! [/h3][/b] Currently, we are putting our main efforts into developing the content regarding Ink Gems, which is the core part of the 'Realm of Ink' gameplay. We are planning to design a total of 20 different Ink Gems, and for now, we have already made 5 Ink Gems, each of them is equally distinctive and powerful! Despite you will be able to experience the Ink Gems in the very near Closed Playtest(if you have not registered, please check out our last Steam News for instructions on how to partake), we still can't stop the urge to reveal some of the Ink Gems contents to you, so you could have a better insight while participating in the playtest. [b][h3]What are Ink Gems?[/h3][/b] Ink Gems serves as the core build system within the game. Each Ink Gem possesses a unique mechanism, enhancing player attributes and altering the forms of techniques. Through the interplay of Ink Gems in Yin-Yang combinations, players can acquire a diverse array of skill synergies, forming their own distinctive builds. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44720774/117f1dcb372c7d99e3130f18a0f72c11fd7335d0.jpg[/img] [b][h3]Types of Ink Gems[/h3][/b] There are various types of Ink Gems. Let's walk you through some of the most typical and powerful Ink Gems in the game. Firstly, we have [b]Spike Ink[/b]. Its passive ability grants you bonus max health, damage reduction, and extra damage while attacking the enemies. And its active ability throws out a giant rock at your mouse's direction to deal damage to all enemies in range. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44720774/26ee6da7e20fbc8c65fbcc19da0e025e294e97d1.gif[/img] Next up is [b]Crack Ink[/b]. Its passive ability grants you bonus max health, and a shield based on your max health when you enter a new room. Also, your attack will be more powerful when your shield is stacked up. Its active ability puts down a magical circle, granting a shield with each second you stand inside, and deals a small amount of DoT(Damage over Time) to the enemies within. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44720774/5190090bb98a944995d50ea1f2976837f7bc9335.gif[/img] Last but not least, we have [b]Poison Ink[/b]. Its passive ability allows your light/heavy attack to apply Poison stacks to enemies(which passively deals DOT), and increases poison damage. Its active ability also puts down a magical circle which deals DOT each second, the enemies inside the circle take 2 stacks of Poison each second. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44720774/399decb49456e3490b505c595807aa4351197e41.gif[/img] These are just the tip of an iceberg; there will plenty more Ink Gems for you to explore in the Playtest version! [b][h3]Ink Gems Interaction[/h3][/b] Below, you can see what the Ink Gems interface looks like(you can view this interface in game by pressing V on keyboard or View button on controller, 'Share' button on PS controller), along with the descriptions of active/passive abilities of the two Ink Gems when equipped. The left Ink Gem's active ability is binded to Q on keyboard or LT/L2 on controller, while the right Ink Gem's is binded to E on keyboard or RT/R2 on controller. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44720774/130806cfc1fb458497aeb20f2bf68935a9af7180.png[/img] [b]Switching Ink Gems[/b]: When you hold two Ink Gems, and there is a third Ink Gems on the ground, you could press R or LB/L1 to replace the left Ink Gems, and F or RB/R1 to replace the right Ink Gems. [b]Decomposing Ink Gems[/b]: You could hold on to the F key or RB/R1 for 3 seconds, and you could decompose the unwanted Ink Gems to get in-game currency '[b]Inkstone[/b]' which is for upgrading your Ink Gems. Even if you forget to decompose it, the system will automatically do it for you when you leave the Ink Gems room, so no Inkstone will be wasted! (The amount of Inkstone will not be deducted) [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44720774/4a0d61da1edff48798ea3e41850a37b386756672.png[/img] [b][h3]Ink Gems Upgrade[/h3][/b] Upgrading one Ink Gems requires 40 Inkstones, which is the same amount every Ink Gem you decompose will give. Right before the mini boss or the boss room, there is a room where Qingyan(the Ink Gems Mentor, she is a mysterious fox that could unlock the full potential of your Ink Gems) and Jinchi(the Itinerant Merchant) are. You could upgrade one of your Ink Gem through Qingyan and it looks like this: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44720774/4decd13b57dad7ee424ea27837ed16088742490a.png[/img] You could see the comparison of stats of Ink Gems before and after upgrading, so you could decide which one fits better with your build with the upgrade: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44720774/e2223868ad6581ecb2ca9ec3be3dd593a4fbd913.png[/img] If you want more Inkstones, you could choose an Ink Gems room to beat and decompose the unwanted Ink Gem to get 40 Inkstones so you could upgrade the one you want the next time you meet Qingyan. Ink Gems are the core part of the gameplay. The diversity and uniqueness of Ink Gems provide players with inspiration for constructing various styles, while the combinations of Ink Gems trigger chemical reactions, introducing a rich array of possibilities to the game. There are many more aspects we'd like to introduce. We will see you in the next devlog! [url=https://twitter.com/realmofink]Twitter[/url] [url=https://www.facebook.com/RealmofInkOfficial]Facebook[/url] [url=www.youtube.com/@RealmofInk]Youtube[/url]