[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44720774/ed1ed58a2cb5aa8ea19a2bc4efed5e343838a0c7.jpg[/img] Dear Players, We are excited to announce that Realm of Ink will be launching a [b]Closed Technical Playtest[/b] soon. The primary objective of this Closed Technical Playtest is to conduct technical testing to ensure a stable and smooth gaming experience before the Early Access release. We sincerely invite you to join our testing team to help us identify and address any potential issues in the game. [h2][b]Closed Technical Playtest Overview:[/b][/h2] - Timing: The Closed Technical playtest will be conducted within a limited timeframe. The starting time of Closed Technical Playtest is estimated to be around the end of April. - Participant Limit: In order to better control the testing environment and focus on resolving issues, we will be limiting the number of participants for the Closed Technical playtest. - Testing Focus: The Closed Technical playtest will focus on testing the game's technical performance, stability on different devices. Players will have the opportunity to experience the core content of the game and provide feedback. [h2][b]How to Participate in the Closed Technical Playtest?[/b][/h2] If you are interested in participating in the Closed Technical playtest for Realm of Ink, please access our store page and hit the "Request Access" Button. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2597080/Realm_of_Ink/ [h2][b]How to Report Bug/Provide Your Feedback?[/b][/h2] - You can report any bug you encounter or provide your feedback by accessing this [url=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdF55LPVv3FCO3y4nrHRFLB7roCe4vsRN_LgnDEjKidKM5bGA/viewform?usp=pp_url ]Google Form[/url] - You can also join our [url=discord.gg/X63T277eVn]Discord[/url] to chat with other players and us for bug report/feedback in the #cbp-feedback channel. [h2][b]Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)[/b][/h2] 1. How will I know if I have been selected to participate in the Closed Technical playtest? - If you are selected to participate in the Closed Technical playtest, you will be receiving an email notification regarding being selected for the playtest from Steam official. 2. Where will the Closed Technical playtest take place? - The Closed Technical playtest will take place on Steam. 3. Will the Closed Technical Playtest include full content of the game? - No, because our aim is technical testing for performance and capabilities, we're rolling out just a limited amount of content for this playtest. 4. Do I need to pay to participate in the Closed Technical Playtest? - No, participation in the Closed Technical Playtest is free of charge. You do not need to pay any fees. 5. Can I share content or screenshots from the Closed Technical Playtest? - No, sharing of content or screenshots from the Closed Technical Playtest is not allowed during the Playtest period. 6. Can I record or livestream gameplay during the Closed Technical Playtest? - No, recording, livestreaming, or publicly showcasing gameplay content is not allowed during the Closed Technical Playtest. Once again, feel free to join our [url=discord.gg/X63T277eVn]Discord[/url] channel for feedback. It's crucial to us to receive your real-time and precious feedback so that we can fix any issue as soon as possible. We look forward to your participation in helping us create an exciting world in Realm of Ink! [url=https://twitter.com/realmofink]Twitter[/url] [url=https://www.facebook.com/RealmofInk]Facebook[/url] [url=www.youtube.com/@RealmofInk]Youtube[/url]