[h3]General[/h3] [list] [*]Hotel lighting fixes [*]Gas lighting fixes [*]Fix players being able to walk through vending machines on gas [*]Removed Ridgeline and Hospital (We have received enough feedback on these levels and they will return complete later) [/list] [h3]Gameplay[/h3] [list] [*]Fix bullets not penetrating through limbs [*]Fix ammunition penetrating through suspects despite being blocked by armour [*]Fix shotgun ammunition having incorrect penetration and armour durability damage [*]Fix buckshot having too much spread [*]Fix excessive camera movement when shot with certain weapons [*]Incapacitated kill penalty buffed to -200 (was -15) [*]Damage to neck bone is now considered a headshot instead of a body shot [*]Multiple crash fixes [/list] [h3]AI[/h3] New: [list] [*]Armoured suspects will now react more severely to bullet impacts [*]Reduced suspect damage tracking time from 5 seconds down to 1 second [*]Fix AI getting stuck under some beds on Meth [*]Fix an issue where an arrested AI who were previously in a cover pose would snap back to the cover pose again [*]Fix a few animation snapping issues related to cover [*]Fix an issue where suspects taking damage in cover would not play a hit reaction animation [*]Fix swat AI not looking in the direction they are moving sometimes [*]Fixed bug causing AI to get stuck arresting [*]Changes to Suspects reactions when encountering a player [*]Fixes to arresting animation [/list] [h3]UI[/h3] [list] [*]Fix supporter only items appearing unlocked for everyone [*]Localization updates [*]Weapons/Items/Gear [*]Removed suppressor socket for Python Revolver [*]Renamed PFC9 to PC19 [*]Fix the M320 Grenade Launcher sometimes killing the user firing [/list] [hr][/hr] [h2]SFX[/h2] [h3]General[/h3] New: [list] [*]Created dedicated modding FMOD bank for the modding wizards [/list] Updated: [list] [*]Certain glass smashing sounds are now easier to discern which direction they’re coming from [*]Improve footstep directional audio (especially above / below) [*]Balance SWAT footstep volume [*]Breaching shotgun equip SFX changed to be more appropriate [*]Added feedback when door is unlocked using lockpick gun [*]Player dirt footstep SFX now easier to hear [*]Various improvements to reverb [/list] Fixes: [list] [*]Fix certain door not playing SFX when closed [*]Fix SWAT footsteps not playing on certain surfaces [*]Fix NPC footsteps not playing on certain surface [*]Fix certain explosion having waaaay too much reverb [*]Fix certain reverb activating a second reverb [*]Potential fix for certain SFX when entering certain bushes sounding delayed [*]Potential fix for SWAT shotgun breaches not having pew pew SFX [/list] [h3]Club[/h3] New: [list] [*]Added additional diegetic track [/list] Updated: [list] [*]Additional sound detailing [*]Bump volumes for certain SFX [*]Various optimizations [/list] [h3]Fast food[/h3] Updated: [list] [*]Certain SFX now sound like they’re coming from the world [*]General backend improvements to restaurant track [*]General improvements to ambiance [/list] Fixes: [list] [*]Fix exterior ambiance firing inside of main restaurant [/list] [h3]Hotel (First Floor)[/h3] New: [list] [*]Added additional rumble layer to exterior [/list] Updated: [list] [*]Place certain SFX in the world for more immersive feel [*]General improvements to ambiance [*]Various optimizations [/list] Fixes: [list] [*]Fix metallic walking sounds on certain surfaces [*]Fixed certain ambiance popping when looped [/list] [h3]Meth[/h3] New: [list] [*]Added cloth wind SFX [*]Added tunnel pipes SFX [*]Added police radio SFX [*]Added diegetic rap SFX [/list] Updated: [list] [*]General improvements to ambiance (volume, transitions) [*]Improve how certain sounds react behind walls [*]Various optimizations [/list] Fix: [list] [*]Fix plane sound being audible from the tunnels [*]Potential fix for instances where sounds can drop out [/list] [h3]Penthouse[/h3] New: [list] [*]Added crowd SFX [/list] Updated: [list] [*]General improvements to ambiance (volume, transitions) [*]Certain sounds are now placed in the world rather than 2D [/list] [h3]Port[/h3] Updated: [list] [*]General improvements to ambiance [*]Various optimizations [/list] [h3]Valley[/h3] New: [list] [*]Added cicadas around level [/list] Updated: [list] [*]Restore exterior SFX (birds / cars now sound like they’re coming from the world!!!) [*]General improvements to ambiance [*]Various optimizations [/list] Fixes: [list] [*]Potential fix for certain interior diegetic song being cut out too much by gunfire Music [/list] [h3]Fast food[/h3] New: [list] [*]Overhaul for Fast Food OST (Certain combat section won’t play for now) [/list] [hr][/hr] If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with the Supporter community, you can become a Supporter at www.voidinteractive.net or at our Steam store page. Make sure you follow Ready or Not on Steam here. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1144200/Ready_or_Not/ Keep your feet on the ground. [i]VOID Interactive[/i]