Update 1.0.5 Now Live
Author: Adrien πΈπ,
published 6 months ago,
Raiverb has been bumped to version 1.0.5, with a lot of changes:
[h3]Translation Center:[/h3]
- [b]UI revamp[/b]: the Translation Center Interface has been modified for much better more clarity and simplicity. These changes include notably adding icons to most of the options and labels explaining various statuses.
- [b]Translation Memory automatch on import[/b]: Translation Memory & Archive matches will now automatically be scanned and exclude perfect matches whenever you import a new document.
- An estimation of the job size will now be provided, perfect matches will be automatically excluded before a job is started.
- [b]Source autodetection: [/b]You can now set the "Source" language of your project at the top of the Translation Center. It will be autodetected by default, but you can edit it. This does not influence the jobs you run, but knowing the source language will facilitate exporting and archiving.
- [b]Ignore option: [/b]You can now setup how you chose to ignore some Translation Units: you can ignore units below a certain threshold of characters, or ignore units that do not correspond to you project's language.
[h3]New experimental feature: JSON import[/h3]
You can now import JSON structures [i]through the clipboard[/i], meaning you can copy and past your JSON and the importer will automatically try to organize the structure in columns.
Current limitations:
- Only available in the clipboard, via the "Paste Clipboard" button.
- Might now work properly with more complex JSON structures.
- No export supported currently.
- The importer in general, and Tags in particular, have been optimized.
[h3]Users Management:[/h3]
- The bottom bar, with user information, has been redesigned for more simplicity and better access to information. You will now know precisely which server you are using and at what conditions or capacity.
[h3]Store and offers:[/h3]
- Some options have been temporarily taken off the store while we're improving on them. An announcement will be made. Public servers remain fully accessible. The Store general appearance has been revamped to be more readable.
Any existing members will have the choice to either keep their membership executed following the original offer, or under the new offers when they are made available.
[h3]Bug fixes:[/h3]
- The default behavior of importing extra comments from the Clipboard will now be "Append" instead of "Ignore".
- Fixed a bug in the package preventing the Image Analyzer to work properly in certain cases. If the Image Analyzer fails to initialize properly, a warning will now be displayed. Usually, a restart is required so that this module can start working.
- Fixed a bug that would wrongly extract the language of Translation Memories from some software, resulting in the error ""Your translation memory target language does not match your project's".
- Fixed issues with the Archiver, that would happen when trying to modify the Project name.
- Unknown errors will not cause the jobs to pause anymore.
- When you switch languages from the Translation Center stock description ("Welcome to Raiverb, the highly flexible blabla..."), you will also switch the whole software language if it exists. Currently Raiverb is only available in English, Chinese and French.
- Fixed some missing localization. YES.