Hello Rafters! We have got some changes and bug fixes for you! One added feature is the option to replace an old building block for a new one in a different material without first chopping down the old one. This will make it easier to upgrade your raft to the new solid wood pieces without risking the destruction of blocks above. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30560232/8c418e28d9201b84cd874e1cc6505f0985792f89.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Zur30KV.gif[/img] [h1]CHANGELOG[/h1] [list] [*]Building blocks can now be replaced for a different material (wood, solid wood, thatch) using the building hammer. [*]Half window block now has a cost instead of being free to build. [*]Slanted solid wood ceilings adjusted to no longer clip through above floors. [*]Removing a table with a storage on it now returns the items in the storage as well. [*]Diagonal slanted ceilings can now be rotated in 90 degree increments instead of 180. [/list] [h1]BUG FIXES[/h1] [list] [*] Storages dissapearing when removing something else. [*] Zipline cancel dragging had wrong text. [*] Half ladders had wrong rotation. [*] Picking up research table did not return item in research slot. [*] Being able to fly when entering chair from a ladder. [/list]