We have a couple more bug fixes and changes ready for you! [h2]Offline Play[/h2] In version 1.0, we blocked players who were not connected to an internet connection from playing. This was due to certain technical issues that appeared when people were playing offline. However, as we have gotten feedback from the 1.0 release, we have decided to allow players to play offline if they really want to. Now, if you are offline, a warning message will appear, letting you know that some features might not work as expected, and bugs may occur, but it gives you the option to keep playing, instead of blocking you completely. [h2]BUG FIXES[/h2] [list] [*] Only host got achievement for killing Rhino Shark [*] Grabber Cache achievement was not possible to unlock [*] Rhino Shark was missing for some players [*] Could not enter weather station on Temperance [*] Animals were getting grabbed by waves [*] Small, Medium and Big Spender achievements were broken [*] Some player were not able to harvest items or interact with objects (hopefully fixed) [*] Polar bear heads were not possible to place on trophy board [*] Tangaroa Historian achievement was not possible to unlock [*] First hyena room on Utopia had no boxes for some players [*] There was no frequency post it note for Varuna Point [/list]