[h1]WELCOME![/h1] Welcome to our first development blog in Early Access! This development blog will feature and include the introduction of new larger islands, more info on the upcoming enemy, new vegetation and more about future plans and updates! [h1]NEW AND LARGER ISLANDS[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30560232/f353b69ac1a79efdbc04faa325ddafec8212b3cc.jpg[/img] We are super excited to announce that a variety of new and much larger islands will be introduced with the new enemy! The new islands will be an end game thing, as you will need a receiver and radar in order to find them. The islands will contain a good amount of resources, have a good amount of food, and there will be [i]some nice hidden loot[/i] stashed away on them! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30560232/d068c0fc32398810835f7b2501d79850f2f84716.jpg[/img] [h1]THE NEW ENEMY[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30560232/78dad59c128d2ff3d4db72396954d93456c58180.gif[/img] We have been teasing the new upcoming enemy a few times on our social medias and are super excited to see it joining the raft world soon. We know you guys have some questions (and concerns) about this [b]beast[/b], so we will address them here: The plan is that it will house the new large islands, protecting them. If you get too close, it will attack you with a bombardment of heavy rocks, so be wary and watch out! [h1]NEW VEGETATION[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30560232/0558fdc7a9c65799adee8d2335ec057364fffca3.png[/img] A new set of islands, a new set of vegetation. We're introducing three different plant species to accompany and decorate the large islands. [h1]NEW BOULDERS[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30560232/41f4797493258d2bacc7b0a54c4f82329c6993fe.png[/img] Like with the vegetation, a large island need some large boulders to create the right authentic feel. [h1]FUTURE PLANS[/h1] We are working hard on getting the next major bird and large islands update ready, but it will take some time - and we will therefore release a patch or two in the meantime with some other exciting stuff. We will save some of the fun text though, so that was all from us today! [i]Psst.. remember to join the discord community: https://discord.gg/raft[/i] Until next time, //Raft HQ