That's right! All seventy thousand words of Purrgatory are now available in European Spanish. You can switch the language on the main menu and in the options menu. This translation is the masterwork of Samo, also known as Samuel de la Torre Galán, who is an absolutely lovely, talented, and professional translator. It's hard to overstate how big of an undertaking this was--do you know how hard it is to translate cat puns?? If you enjoy Purrgatory in Spanish, please show your appreciation to @samutoga on Twitter! Also, Purrgatory now has autosave! I really should have implemented this a year ago. Now some words from Samo! [img][/img] What’s up, cats? I’m Samuel, aka Samo or Samutoga. Months ago, I started translating Purrgatory for my degree’s final dissertation on game localization (as you can guess, it was a translation and interpreting degree lol) and it was certainly a challenge. I found this game right after it was launched and just by playing it for a couple of hours, I knew it was going to be a rather interesting yet exhausting journey, but I think I managed to pull it off pretty decently after all. Apart from that, working with Niv has been a pleasure, he is surely an understanding lad if I’ve ever seen one – he was patient enough through the process and helped me whenever I needed anything, so it has been a very nice experience all in all. I’m so looking forward to working with him again in the future. And well, that’s pretty much all I wanted to say. Enjoy the game! ¿Qué os contáis, gente? Soy Samuel, alias Samo o Samutoga. Hace unos cuantos meses me puse a traducir Purrgatory para mi Trabajo de Fin de Grado dedicado a la localización de videojuegos (supongo que se sobreentiende que el grado era de traducción e interpretación lol) y ha sido todo un reto. Encontré el juego poco después de su lanzamiento y nada más con jugar un par de horas ya me imaginé que me esperaba un viaje bastante interesante y agotador, pero yo diría que me he defendido como gato panza arriba. Además, he de decir que he disfrutado mucho trabajar con Niv, la verdad es que es un chaval bastante apañao’. Ha sido muy paciente durante todo el proceso y me ha ayudado con lo que necesitaba, así que la experiencia ha sido bastante positiva en general y estoy deseando volver a trabajar con él en un futuro. Y bueno, creo que eso es todo lo que quería decir. ¡Disfrutad del juego!