This is my first time releasing a videogame. For the past nine months I would come home from work and then spend countless evenings learning a ton about programming, game design and marketing. It's funny thinking about how when I first launched the Steam page, I received little traffic and assumed that my project was unremarkable. But after Drew Durnil made a video around May I suddenly received a flood of interest and it motivated me to keep developing the game. I would like to thank all the content creators, playtesters and Discord members for providing valuable feedback that helped turn Puffin Planes into what it is today. To be honest, it makes me very nervous to watch people play my game. I get anxious that they will run into a strange bug or miss a key game mechanic. So the fact that this game is finally released is quite terrifying because I know in the back of my head there will be hundreds, potentially even thousands of people out there trying it out and some of them running into all sorts of weird bugs. I guess that I just need to learn how to not be so attached to my work and also how to not be such a people pleaser. With all that being said, I hope that everyone enjoys the overall experience and remains patient while I fix any issues that crop up and add new features that y'all suggest. If this game proves to be a moderate success then I would love to reinvest some of the profit back into more art, music, and maybe even localization for the game. And maybe a little bit of extra cash to help pay down my student loans would be nice :)