[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45107444/40aaad6a37949fbbef88020e090a2d66da11a51c.png[/img] I'd love to talk about all the hard work and the emotional journey but I'll cut to the bits you want to know; what happens next and what's included in this launch. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45107444/728483d9c40befbe45fb37ac322583e47257c735.png[/img] [list] [*] Barkeeper fix when customer gave exact change [*] Stock worker stability fixes [*] Loading errors fixed [*] Incorrect green keg hologram when holding the minifridge fix [*] Added new furnitures: Chairs, Tables, Sofas & partitions [*] Removed 'sticky' bottles in Barkeepers hands [*] Dukebox now accepts player's music if placed in the folder [*] Same with portraits with .pngs [*] Fixed furniture placement lockout bug [*] Fixed furniture snapping issues [*] Reduced 'stickiness' of snapping [*] Added a snap toggle [*] Fixed tooltips not updating [*] Changed dirty window texture to show more dirt [*] Added mouse sensitivity option (thankyou Nergal) [*] Changed how cash register hitboxes work to hopefully remove that bug [*] Removed sticky card [*] Fixed beertaps being left behind after you pick up that item [*] Mystery white square that increases in quantity within the inventory has been dealt with [*] Oak bar is now fully working [*] Customers should no longer ignore seating [*] Players could place chairs inside already placed chairs, this is now fixed [*] When staff took a drink it didn't class it as removed, it does now [*] Saving and loading is now re-enabled [*] Keg labels are now shown on the bar [*] Added SFX for the pub while patrons are inside [*] Fixed pathfinding for customers and staff [*] Can now fire workers, previously the button didn't work [*] Added a more usable way to see reputation and how it's earned [*] Added a way to see customer mood [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45107444/813c20a74c58bd53a371ad014aa2675e30ed04b9.png[/img] First of all we want to clean up any issues players may be encountering, then we'll be getting to work on optimizations as we know this has been an area we've lacked good progress in. After this we have a bunch of brilliant suggestions that we want to get to work on as soon as possible, whether that's adding: cooking, bar fights, a bathroom for your patrons to vomit in, another larger premises to unlock so you can build your empire, fruit machines, drunken behaviour and more. This may seem like a lot but I can promise that it won't take forever, however we do need support so please, please, please make sure to leave a positive review on Steam and give us as much feedback as you'd like on the Forums and on Discord. Once again, thankyou!