[b][h3]ADDED[/h3][/b] [list] [*] Added a pop-up to let you know why EAC removed you from the match. [*] Added Reporting System (this was out already, but now fully finished). [/list] [b][h3]IMPROVED[/h3][/b] [list] [*] Improved registration process. [*] Improved REC7 recoil pattern. [*] Improved screen shake while firing. [*] Improved Grenade position synchronization. [/list] [b][h3]FIXES[/h3][/b] [list] [*] Fixed Shop not showing items that have been bought correctly. [*] Fixed an issue with Grenade causing it not to deal damage to AI. [*] Fixed an missing collider in Castle. [*] Fixed not being able to open chat in a match. [*] Fixed Ranking not showing nicknames. [*] Implemented a potential fix for the issue where a player would see a black screen if they joined a room just as the host started the match. [*] Fixed Grenade not always dealing damage. [*] Fixed "Joined Match" message not showing when an user joins the on-going match. [*] Fixed coins not being saved once match has finished. [/list]