Hello castaways. In this week's update we bring you fixes for the unobtainable quest items and blueprints, and a UI to show nearby quest items. [h3]Patch notes[/h3] [b]New[/b] [list] [*] Item pickups, carriables, low vitals alerts, AI harvesting and loading screen localization. [*] Added quest items UI: Items closer than 25m on the horizontal axis and 40m on the vertical axis will have a pop-up UI, guiding you towards it. [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed quest items and blueprints going under meshes sometimes. The fix is also applied on saves, you can load a save file and it will correctly reposition itself to the nearest spawn point. [*] Fixed blueprint not visible if looked from above water. [*] Fixed meat getting huge upon rotting on rack. [*] Fixed standing torch fire not following torch correctly on raft. [*] Fixed bug reports input: Moving the mouse or pressing WASD no longer unfocuses the input field. [*] Fixed tutorial directional arrow not showing when loading a save file. [/list] [b]Quality of Life[/b] [list] [*] Improved bug reports API: Players no longer have to manually share save files or contact the developers on Discord or Steam - You can fully take advantage of the report system. Keep in mind that no follow-up can be made, but you may leave a contact (discord or email) when reporting. [/list] [b]Developer notes[/b] For those that don't know, we have enabled a channel on our discord that has up to date status for the next patch, which includes a release ETA and key things that are under progress and will be included. The next patch is scheduled for next weekend, which will include loads of fixes and the highly requested ability to extinguish fires. Would also like to mention that the playtests are coming back soon in the form of "channels". It's a separate version of the game within the same app, instead of a separate one (where you had to request access on the store page). Anyone with access to Project Castaway will be able to choose the unstable work-in-progress version. Happy surviving, The project castaway team