Hey all, Games out. People seem to be liking it. WOO! Feels good. [i]But![/i] There are a few hiccups people pointed out that were quick and easy to fix, so we did so. [list] [*] In Chapter 4, the wording of a few lines made it sound like Lenin came up with the phrase "Dictatorship of the Proletariat." Enough people read them as attribution, so we changed them. [*] In Chapter 5, the description of "Tribalism" was worded in an unnecessarily complex way. So the wording has been streamlined to be more clear, as you can't "Press for clarification" your own idea slate. [/list] We are also investigating a bug where, when loading a save on certain lines, "New Text" will appear at the start of the line. This is a systematic edge case that we missed, so the best fix for this might take a little bit longer! Thank you everyone who has played the game so far. Keep the notes and feedback coming— we're keeping an eye both here [url=https://discord.gg/VHcyP43F]and on the discord![/url]