THE DAY IS HERE!! After 5 years of working nights and weekends, [i]Pro Philosopher 2[/i] is finally live. Anime Locke, Machiavelli, Confucius and Marx have been eager to challenge each and every one of you, as have all the other characters we have yet to reveal. I trust you'll give them a good (verbal) fight. To celebrate the big day, we've made a new trailer! And it's easily our most [i]unique[/i] yet. When you publish your own indie game, no one can stop you from making a music video: [previewyoutube=HXIV-PNX0mw;full][/previewyoutube] We had a blast putting this together! And if you got the words "[i]Pro Philosopher 2[/i]" stuck in your head, well, that's kinda the point. Thanks to our composer Matt Klingensmith, our sound designer Chris Burgess, and singer DNCrystal for helping us produce something special. [h2]A Wild Soundtrack Approaches![/h2] [img][/img] Speaking of music, this trailer track will serve as the final cherry on top of the official [i]Pro Philosopher 2 Soundtrack.[/i] While it's not available just yet, the soundtrack will contain high-quality renders of every musical track in the game. And there is QUITE A BIT of music in [i]Pro Philosopher 2[/i]; at least twice as much as the original game. Everything from character themes to tonal pieces; just what you need for a hard day of philosophizing. Keep an eye out for its release in the coming weeks! [url=]Check out the page here.[/url] [h2]So... go play![/h2] [img][/img] I really cannot overemphasize just how excited and grateful we are that you all took an interest in this game. "Philosophy Debating Sim" isn't the most marketable of concepts, but if the original [i]Socrates Jones[/i] showed us anything, it's that there are a bunch of wierdos, just like us, who are hungry to engage empathetically with fascinating ideas and with one another. We'll be paying close attention to feedback over the next few weeks, and we have a few more events planned where you'll be able to interact with the devs. So [url=]join the discussion on Discord[/url] or here on the Steam forums to stay in the loop! Happy Philosophizing, Connor