Road to the weekend playtest - Status update #2 Hello dear followers, The first half of May is almost complete as we are getting dangerously close to the time you will be able to playtest Post Scriptum. The team is still working very hard on our "Offworld Core A11" upgrade and things are a bit more complicated than we originally anticipated and new issues have arisen in some unexpected ways. The old build we used during the playtest in April with content creators remains to this day the most stable build that we have. Here is a little overview of the issues we are currently experiencing and that we want solved before you can enjoy Post Scriptum in the best conditions possible. From Offworld Core A10 to A11: Current Pros: -Players experienced better frames per second -Penetration system on tanks with ricochet and damage on internal components (aka: "VDM1" Vehicle Damage Model part 1) -Reworked UI, very close to final, still a few things to complete -Reworked lighting which make the maps look much better Current Cons: -Vehicle behaviour is heavily unpredictable (This is the unexpected part of the upgrade) - Paradoxically, some players also experienced worse frames than before, we need to spend more time to figure this one out to make sure all PCs have the same experience. As you already know, we are planning Post Scriptum weekend playtest to be going live possibly during the third and fourth weekend of May. The third weekend of May on A11 build is most likely to be compromised by those cons we liste above as they are very close to game breaking and we do not wish the public to have their first experience with PS under those conditions. Stay tuned, as soon as those two majors issues are fixed PS will become available to you!! Thanks for your support, we'll see you on the battlefield soon! Periscope Games team. [img][/img] Join us on Discord and don't miss a single update!!