Greetings! Welcome back to our second modding spotlight, it is time for us to take a look at some more mods created by our community! If you are a modder with a burning passion and a mod you want to tell the world about, you can [b][url=]submit your mod to the modding spotlight here[/url][/b]. If you want to get into modding in Post Scriptum, share your mods with other modders, or maybe you just want to chat with us and other modders, then you can do so via our [b][url=]Official Modding Hub Discord[/url][/b]. [h1]Longues-sur-Mer[/h1] [h2]Created by: McDuckSauce[/h2] [img][/img] Our first submission is a nice looking map from modder McDuckSauce titled Longues-sur-Mer. Once a quiet town in Normandy, France, it played host to part of the infamous Atlantic wall. This Gun battery housed 4 x 150 mm cannons capable of hitting ships out at sea as well as having the beaches carefully dialed in for maximum devastation. The battery itself was heavily bombarded from both sea and air during the days leading up to D-Day, which can be seen recreated in game using multiple photo reconnaissance photos for accuracy. The surround area is also mapped as good as I possibly could in terms of walls, fields, tree's, buildings, roads and so on. [img][/img] D-Day +1 the battery was taken by C Company of the 2nd Devonshire Regiment at midday on June 7th after only firing a few hundred rounds on D-Day itself with little effect due to the intense bombardment the day prior and the day itself. [img][/img] The map itself offers a mix of all three chapters, ranging from long distance combat to the up close and personal, whilst also catering towards the tankers among us. So far the feedback has been excellent, which I attempt to update as soon as possible. I hope the effort was worth it in the long run, and I cannot wait to see it played on a larger scale. The map comes currently with eight layers, including both daytime and night, with a Para-drop for extra atmosphere as you drop in and watch the battle commence below you. On another note, the map is currently 2.8 km by 2.8 km, which puts it on the larger scale of modded maps available. [img][/img] At both main spawns, there is a small Infantry and tank shooting range to practice them shots while waiting for friends to join or a vehicle to spawn. [h1]Chapter Richelieu[/h1] [h2]Created by: Team Chapter Richelieu[/h2] [img][/img] Our next submission is another "Chapter" style mod. The Richelieu Chapter is a project which aims to bring new battles for the liberation of France to Post Scriptum. The team is made up of members of the PS community, which aims to authentically recreate these battles and the places where they took place. [img][/img] This mod is still in active development, with several operations planned for the future. Its first operation, titled "Deadstick" aims to feature 3 maps, including the infamous Pegasus Bridge (formerly Benouville Bridge), where the 6th Airborne Division of the UK attacked the German defenders. Operation Deadstick was the overall plan to capture bridges crossing the River Orne and Caen canal in preparation for the British landing at Sword beach. [img][/img] If you want to follow development, you can find their Discord here: This chapter will feature several other operations with their own maps, layers, custom assets and modified vehicles to suit the battle itself. Below you can find the Roadmap for upcoming content. [img][/img] [h1]Ardennes Map Pack[/h1] [h2]Created by: Ardennes Team[/h2] [img][/img] Our last entry covers some of the largest maps ever produced for Post Scriptum an astonishing 64 km pack. From the Ardennes Team, they present the Ardennes Map Pack. You can find their discord community here: Now the word is given to Cpt72Bug from the Ardennes Team. Our map pack is a 64 km, highly accurate recreation of Northern Luxembourg. It follows the retreat of the 28ths infantry after their strategic loss of Clervaux Castle during the start of the Battle of the Bulge. As it stands right now, this is the largest map in the Squad/Post Scriptum engine at a whopping 8 km x 8 km. It is larger than Squad's Skorpo by a large margin. It has taken 1000 manpower hours to recreate and required some of the highest end enthusiast hardware to work-on in the SDK. We are currently taking applications to help with its progress. [img][/img] Currently, it is in a playable state, with several "maps" being offered as zones of the master “Northern Luxembourg Map”. In the current release, you can find two game-play layers, Clervaux and Munchhausen. Both are strategic representations of the “bulge” with the 5th Panzer Army playing as the offensive team while remaining elements of the 110th regiment of the 28th acting as defenders. In the future this offering will be expanded with several other map zones, gameplay layers and the introduction of the full 64 km (8 km x 8 km) armored map. We also hope to continue a relationship with the Realism Mod Team to get offerings of this map supported within or separate of the main Realism Mod. This map-pack contains a lot of area to explore. It also has a lot of meatgrinder defensive positions, which require team-wide coordination and mastery of offensive tactics. Most experienced logi squads can significantly make a difference with the provided winterized weather, allowing for added visibility cover and secrecy to FOB locations. Furthermore, the sheer size of the layers requires logi squads to actively contribute to both the defenders and the offensive team to ensure spawns and resources are available to each team. [img][/img] Most of the assets have been retextured to really allow the user to experience the winter weather of Northern Luxembourg. Improved weather including low visibility will allow for tank ambushes and easy infantry flanking maneuvers to be implemented by experienced squad leaders. With these changes, it is highly recommended to “Flank” defensive positions and to set up tank ambushes in some of the only clear drivable routes around the region. The map-packs ability to suit majorly different play-styles creates endless opportunities for gameplay shenanigans. We take pride in our project and are currently working on the third layer as well as finalizing implemented assets. This map pack truly represents the first of the “winter” maps and we anticipate the pack getting better as more and more winterized assets are offered by Periscope Games. One aspect we hope to improve on in future releases is the inclusion of more covered terrain. The map seems quite flat, and this poses challenges to defending and assaulting positions. [img][/img] With this we have come the end of this modding spotlight and we can't wait to see what more our community comes up with. If you are a modder with a burning passion and a mod you want to tell the world about, you can [b][url=]submit your mod to the modding spotlight here[/url][/b]. If you want to get into modding in Post Scriptum, share your mods with other modders, or maybe you just want to chat with us and other modders, then you can do so via our [b][url=]Official Modding Hub Discord[/url][/b]. Sincerely, [b]Periscope Games[/b] [img][/img] [url=][h2]JOIN THE DISCUSSION ON DISCORD[/h2][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]