Greetings! A couple of weeks back we ran our first Public Playtest using the new engine version, this build ran with the expected amount of issues and problems that avoided small scale testing. We have since then focused on bug fixes, improvements and performance. We are now ready to try again with another playtest and we invite you to come help us once more so that we can get the necessary data as more eyes usually means there is a bigger chance issues are caught before release to avoid any complications. [h1]Public 4.27 Playtest Announcement[/h1] This test primarily offers us an opportunity for us to profile the server and bug hunt for issues that we can’t normally look for because it needs a full server. We might even try out 100 player capability again to see where we sit with server-side performance now that we have upgraded. The public playtest will run on a special Beta branch that you can access starting [b]March 27th @ 10 AM Pacific | 1 PM Eastern | 5 PM UTC[/b] until [b]March 27th @ 3 PM Pacific | 6 PM Eastern | 10 PM UTC[/b] by following the small guide below: [u][b]NOTE:[/b][/u] If you do not see the validation-branch yet, it has either not gone live yet, or you need to restart Steam. [u][b]HOW TO OPT INTO BETA BRANCHES[/b][/u] [olist][*] Right-click Post Scriptum in your library. [*] Press the “Properties” button and navigate to the “BETAS” tab. [*] Select the dropdown and opt into “Validation-Branch” [/olist] [img][/img] [img][/img] Sincerely, [b]Periscope Games[/b] [img][/img] [url=][h2]JOIN THE DISCUSSION ON DISCORD[/h2][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [h2]Roadmap 2021 / 2022[/h2] [url=][img][/img][/url]