[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31533869/b8d06322b1ad954cdef3efdc37a1779c931060ba.jpg[/img] This weekend we are pleased to announce the release of the first part of our US Airborne update to the public which includes Velmolen & the 82nd Airborne Faction along with a wealth of new weapons & equipment! In addition to this, in honor of the StackUp event, we will be hosting lFree Weekend for all Steam players. During this event you will be able to download and play Post Scriptum for free as well as a -25% Off Discount sale on Post Scriptum! [b]STARTS FRIDAY, NOV 9 @ 7PM CEST / 6PM GMT / 1PM EDT ENDS MONDAY, NOV 12 @ 7PM CEST / 6PM GMT / 1PM EDT [/b] [b]StackUp Event[/b] We're proud to announce we'll be partnering with Stack-Up.org again to bring you a day of FPS action! Featuring Squad, Post Scriptum, and Onward, this Veteran's Day, Sunday, November 11, from 1 PM - 11 PM Eastern Time is our chance to give back to the veterans that dedicated their lives to service. Join us or Donate now! https://tiltify.com/+squad-up-4-stack-up/squad-up-for-stack-up-2018 We will be hosting a Post Scriptum Segment during the stream on Sunday, Nov 11th @ 10PM CEST / 9PM GMT / 4PM EDT ~ Periscope Games