Greetings! We hope you all enjoyed your holiday, the entire team had a wonderful time and got to relax a little on top of a hectic year. Now that we are back we have been working through the last week to get a patch ready for release. Bunch of gameplay fixes, so have a look at the changelog below. [h3]Changelog v2.1.1163.545[/h3] [list][*] Fixed some splines in Carentan. [*] Fixed Stonne Terrain Ground offset Issue (F4-3-4/5) [*] Fixed an issue where no Heavy Deck existed for the US on Velmolen Offensive 02 [*] Fixed a spot near British Main where the terrain is sunk downward so that players can get trapped on Arnhem [*] Fixed Railroad Underpasses/Overpasses Filled with terrain on Oosterbeek [*] Fixed missing French Commander's car on Dinant RAAS [*] Fixed Oosterbeek Spline issue (H6-1-3) [*] Fixed Stonne Wall invisibility (F6-2-2) [*] Fixed Utah Terrain offset (E6-3-3) [*] Fixed Oosterbeek Floating sandbags + foliage (E2-3-3) [*] Fixed Veghel Door texture missing (E5-3-9) [*] Fixed Velmolen Spline Issue (B6-3-1) [*] Fixed Curtains in some buildings on Dinant being see-through. [*] Fixed Trees on the road in Grave (D5-3-3 & D5-3-8) [*] Fixed Radio in Arnhem, Best, Doorwerth, Driel, Oosterbeek, Velmolen, Veghel & Grave British layers not using British audio.[/list] Sincerely, [b]Periscope Games[/b] [img][/img] [url=][h2]JOIN THE DISCUSSION ON DISCORD[/h2][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] You can find our Official Community Resource Google Drive with all layer information, ticket costs, spawn commands and more here: