Greetings! Last week we launched our new Tank Deck System and we're actively monitoring its implementation within the game and the meta changes. One notable issue has been that games were ending very fast due to the number of tickets each vehicle costs their teams, to help alleviate this we've reduced the vehicle ticket cost across the board. We are still evaluating balancing between decks and will likely be making some changes soon. This update also addresses community concerns that the new tank kick hampers armoured events where 2 sections are not enough. This we've also addressed by allowing all admin spawned vehicles to be entered by anyone. As per usual get your changelog below! [h3]Changelog v2.0.939.15538[/h3] [list][*] UI/UX: Renamed Daimler AC Shot Mk. 1 APCBC to Shot Mk. IXB/T [*] Gameplay: Lowered Kill Death Ruleset ticket cost for all armoured vehicles. [*] Gameplay: Rebalanced M51B1 & M71B1 Pen Curve for M5 Stuart & M8 Greyhound. [*] Gameplay: Replaced M51 with M51B1 for T17 Staghound. [*] Gameplay: Admin spawned vehicles not being considered section vehicles to allow non-armoured members to use. (Leaving a section will still kick you.) [*] Effects: Fixed MG-42 muzzle flash effect being offset. [*] Effects: New White Phosphorus Bangs for grenades and mortars[/list] Sincerely, [b]Periscope Games[/b] [img][/img] [url=][h2]JOIN THE DISCUSSION ON DISCORD[/h2][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]