Greetings! After our major patch last week there were several issues that were missed during initial QA. These have been found and corrected, most notably the Armour Penetration system wasn't working as intended causing issues with the ability to pen vehicles, as well as destroy others with certain types of vehicles and weapons. We have addressed the drivers in trucks being unkillable due to collisions and the deployable causing a collision even when not built. We also fixed the MOTD not having a close button when there is an excessively large amount of text. We also heard the feedback about our Entry map with Utah beach being too loud and obnoxious, so we've changed it back to the more quiet Arnhem Range. We have also made several other fixes, improvements and optimizations. [h3]Changelog v2.0.888.15384[/h3] [list][*] UI: Fixed MOTD Close button not being visible for excessively large text amount. [*] UI: Changed Main Menu entry map back to the Arnhem version. [*] Fix: Fixed the Armour Penetration system. [*] Fix: Fixed mines and other deployables not showing up if placed beyond a certain distance from the player. [*] Fix: Fixed drivers in trucks being unkillable due to collision. [*] Fix: Fixed M3 Halftrack center of gravity being in the rear causing the vehicle to nose up. [*] Fix: Panzer IV G Turret shield being misaligned. [*] Gameplay: Fixed and rebalanced all soft-skin vehicles with more realistic damage resistance. [*] Gameplay: Fixed the deployables having fully built collisions in unbuilt state. [*] Level Design: Fixed British QF6 AT Gun for German team as defender on Driel Offensive 05. [*] Level Design: Fixed Driel Offensive 05 pre-placed construction crates having no supplies. [*] Level Design: Fixed flying boxes on Stonne RAAS 01. [*] Effects: Possible fix for AP Mines not having FX under certain circumstances when stepped on. [*] Effects: Assigned proper Muzzle FX to Panzer II. [*] Effects: Optimized 20mm AP impacts on wood and concrete material. [*] Effects: General fixes to texture size and streaming. [*] Effects: Assigned correct impact effect and sound from AT Grenades against armour. [/list] Sincerely, [b]Periscope Games[/b] [img][/img]