Greetings! This update will bring some new features and additions to the game alongside some fixes well needed. Let's go over some of the changes that have been made to the game. First of all, we've gone back and given our Waffen SS models some well-needed love after nearly 2 years. Have a look at the new models you can see in-game. [img][/img] The second major change is the addition of knives that can be used as melee weapon. This has been a request for quite a while and thanks to the Through the Periscope feedback program, it has now made its way into Post Scriptum. [img][/img] Next up is the new deployable Anti-Tank Guns. We recognized a bit ago that the towing system isn't a good solution for the game due to the reliance on physics which, no matter how well we optimize it will cause weird glitches and issues. So, for now, the towing has been disabled while we work on a more optimal solution. In order to compensate for this, and with the help of the feedback program we have made Anti-Tank weapons buildable including previously static weapons like the Flak 36 (88mm) and the Flak 38 (20mm). They also allow more flexibility in that they aren't static and so ambush positions can now more effectively be set up. [img][/img] The Anti-Tank weapons have a base cost of 800 with the Flak 36 at a cost of 1000 points. Furthermore, you are limited to a maximum of 2 spawned anti-tank guns per team at any given time. The guns will come in 2 stages similar to our other emplacements and buildable, an unbuilt and a built state. In the unbuilt state, the weapon will not be able to shoot or move and will need to be dug down similar to how other deployable are built. [img][/img] Once built the anti-tank gun will turn into a vehicle that can be moved around. This only includes the anti-tank weapons that can actually move around, the Flak 36 and Flak 38 are not able to move and so they can quickly become vulnerable to air support. The last major change is that we've added a Chassis Integrity icon to vehicles, this will give our vehicle drivers better information about the integrity of their vehicle. While we understand that Post Scriptum for many is a hardcore experience and they aren't necessarily a fan of these informational icons, we feel that it's important to give our players new and experienced enough information so that they can learn the in's and out's of the game. [img][/img] Get your full changelog below: [h3]Changelog v2.0.814.15050[/h3] [list][*] Added new Waffen SS models [*] [Through the Periscope]: Added new knives as melee weapons to all factions. [*] [Through the Periscope]: Added deployable Anti-Tank Guns from logistic trucks. (Max spawn limit: 2 per team) [*] [Through the Periscope]: Added Chassis Integrity icon to all vehicles. [*] [Through the Periscope]: Canteen is now bound to Weapon slot #7. [*] Ticket count visible at the end for both teams on the scoreboard. [*] Fixed Austin K5 driver not registering damage. [*] Fixed problematic respawn at Marshland N. and Marshland S. on Utah Beach Invasion 01. [*] Fixed head mesh clipping through the german helmet. [/list] One last thing, we are still raising money for the [url=]Airborne Museum[/url] and for that we are auctioning away a one of a kind [url=]Official Post Scriptum Developer hoodie[/url], all proceedings of which will go to the museum and the fundraiser! You can find the fundraiser [url=]here[/url]. Sincerely, [b]Periscope Games[/b] [img][/img]