Hey guys! This patch will fix and optimise a number of issues, including the most recent issues with the game loading slowly, this is still ongoing and we appreciate the feedback we've been getting. [h3]Changelog v2.0.757.14854[/h3] [b]GENERAL FIXES[/b][list] [*] Optimised loading times by removing blueprint references (still ongoing) [*] Fixed the entry map to be more optimised [*] Fixed St Mere Eglise server browser image [*] Fixed dismemberment/gore physics so that it no longer spins [*] Fixed collisions on several farmhouse meshes [*] Fixed collisions on several buildings [*] Fixed overlap collision on all support capsules for all weapons [*] Fixed overlaps being generated on LCTs and LCVPs [*] Adjusted background terrain texture sizes [/list] [b]ANIMATIONS[/b][list] [*] Added new Lee Enfield cup discharger animations [/list] [b]VISUALS[/b][list] [*] Optimised several textures sizes [*] Adjusted P-51 LODs [*] Fixed missing texture in gore material for the 4th Infantry uniform [*] Fixed distant tree mesh LOD [/list] [b]EFFECTS[/b][list] [*] Optimised smoke grenades, smoke mortars, smoke tank shells [*] Optimised medium calibre sized impacts and muzzle flash effects [/list] [b]VEHICLES[/b][list] [*] Fixed Jagdpanzer IV L48 seat state error [*] Fixed Jagdpanzer IV L48 coax MG missing skeleton mesh [*] Fixed several vehicle blueprints skeleton bounds [*] Fixed several vehicle blueprints overlap events [*] Fixed log spam caused by Jagdpanzer IV COAX mg firing [/list] Sincerely, [b]Periscope Games[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31533869/d0406d44e053f7a14d6b82372b4635ba3b4f071e.png[/img]