Hey guys! Another week. Another patch. We took some extra time to get some of the feedback from the community into this patch as well as fixing the Linux server build. [b]v2.0.278.13151 Changelog:[/b] [list] [*] - Linux Server build now available. [*] - Fixed Doorwerth level design bugs. [*] - Fixed Driel level design bugs. [*] - Fixed Dinant level design bugs. [*] - Fixed grenade launchers not having impact effects. [*] - Fixed pak36 flying when towed. [*] - Fixed some bipoding animation issues for MG34. [*] - Fixed French MSP being indestructible. [*] - Removed the Sdkfz. 232 from Dinant RAAS. [*] - Removed the Daimler armoured car from Chapter II maps. [b][i][Community Feedback][/i][/b] [*] - Changed allied smoke grenade to cover a bigger area. [*] - Changed commander support menu to not be available without the proper kit. (respawn required) [b][i][Community Feedback][/i][/b] [*] - Reduced amount of sparks in 14mm ricochet effect. [*] - Fixed suicide and friendly fire not causing ticket losses. [*] - Rebalanced zoom values for French and German weapons. [*] - Reduced cap unlock timer to 2 minutes and 30 seconds for Stonne and Dinant. [*] - Adjusted all spawn points to not be out in the open in Dinant. [*] - Optimized muzzle and tracer effects. [/list] Sincerely, [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31533869/d0406d44e053f7a14d6b82372b4635ba3b4f071e.png[/img]