Hello everyone, We want to push v1.0.65 out to the public. It is very likely that the map changing crash is fixed. If it is fixed, we will keep this version on stable, if it happens to not be fixed, we will revert to v1.0.60 in the next few hours. Thanks for your understanding. With v1.0.65, we also start introducing the game localization for the following languages, French, Chinese Simplified, Italian and Spanish. This work was made by our amazing community and we cannot thank them enough! It will maybe need some tweaks here and there, but it is a very good start and we will add more languages in the future. Here is the changelog for v1.0.65: -Add: Commander direct voice channel form SL -Add: Localization CHINESE SIMPLIFIED -Add: Localization FRENCH -Add: Localization ITALIAN -Add: Localization SPANISH -Fix: Map crash for missing Yash test map (probably fixed) -Fix: Oosterbeek S07 -Fix: Doorwerth S06 -Fix: Heelsum D02 lighting -Fix: MG34 double sound on deploy -Fix: Map names not correct on some layers -Fix: Sdkfz251 driver and co driver dying from explosions -Potential troublemaker: Started implementing Armored ruleset to core code. PS: Some of us just got back from vacation and ready to smash some more bugs, here are some news on what is going on internally. We'll soon convert all our current maps to the new shader (Doorwerth and Driel are not yet with the latest shader), a lot of you noticed FPS gain since we did that tweak on Heelsum. Possibly during next week if all goes well. We will very soon start the public testing for our new map of Arnhem Lane 1! And to conclude, our Level Designers are working full speed on Veghel and Grave. That means that we will start the testing of the US Airborne very soon with all our Supporter Edition customers. We are eager to test it with you, it has been a blast working additional content and we cannot wait to properly play it. If you are not a Supporter Edition owner, the update will come for free soon after the testing period is over. Cheers, [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31533869/435fe6f394b0be4f0a201a706f02950da6cd28c7.png[/img]