When we first released our[url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/736220/view/4029101838404898211] 6-month roadmap,[/url] we teased that a new game mode was in the works. Now that we’re further into the year, we can share this new mode with you. [h2]Introducing Frontline![/h2] Frontline combines the best gameplay attributes of invasion, offensive and even RAAS game modes, offering players a more dynamic and immersive experience. As the attacker, you will be required to undertake various missions to progress the frontline across the map and win the game. The defenders must stop you! [h3]Missions[/h3] The attackers' missions range from destroying an objective (e.g., an AT gun or bunker) to building up an objective (e.g., pontoons) or capturing a specific enemy point. Indeed, a single mission may also not be limited to just one of these functions but could include a combination of these tasks. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31533869/951bbbe414ae5203974595c4d38a712dd1e713d6.jpg[/img] [h3]Fog of War[/h3] With the exception of the first mission, the remaining missions are randomised in location and type and are hidden from the attacking team, with only the defenders able to see them from the game start. This gives the defenders an advantage and allows their logistics teams time to prepare each objective with defences as required. As the attacker completes their active mission, their visibility will increase to show the next mission, and the frontline will move to offer them the ability to penetrate further and improve their supporting logistics systems. [h3]Reinforcement[/h3] For the attacker, both time and tickets will not be on your side. The attacking team will always start with fewer tickets than the defender and will need to achieve missions to gain tickets and time to press on to the next. [h3]Retreat[/h3] If the attacker achieves a mission, the defender must retreat and take a new position to defend for the next mission. They will be given preparation time before the next mission goes live. After this preparation time ends, every FOB of the defender inside the new attacker’s frontline is destroyed. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31533869/eb0c92e095bc05412665a5b7f0b52cd3421b424c.jpg[/img] [h3]The Frontline[/h3] The frontline is simulated by the red zones for both factions, with a neutral area overlapping the two. Each team can only place fortifications or radios behind their red zone frontline or in the neutral area. [h3]When can I try it?[/h3] Soon...very, very soon! Our next update is planned to be released before the end of this month, so get ready to try a brand-new game mode! As always, we’d love to hear your feedback on this new mode in the comments below!