Hey folks! The team has been doing some spring cleaning and have a brand new update for you! Here are some highlights, and don’t forget to check the Changelog for a complete list of changes (there are a lot)! [h2]What’s New[/h2] [h3]Updated Graphics for Chapter 1 Maps[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31533869/7aa5c1c005508d091d5c1a6ac7cf38fc26a53997.jpg[/img] A lot of work has been done cleaning up the Chapter 1 maps: updating textures, fixing lighting, and adding furniture to buildings to give a more “lived-in” feel. All of this has been done with optimization in mind. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31533869/4dc948f24caf4e9ac5ea5e7c012f703a283e64ba.jpg[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31533869/96c60bbf519df7f63821c9836c82701ffb9cb3a4.jpg[/img] [h3]New Visual Effects[/h3] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1174392604192935958/1228396157349400626/Muzzle_Flash_Night_NEW.gif?ex=662be412&is=66196f12&hm=fdeb33164263f2cffb38acee0a1a45ef511b43e88ed9ea77a052efe493430cd4&[/img] We’ve made significant changes to the visual effects in-game, specifically to plane bomb explosions, HE shell explosions against wood, concrete and metal, artillery explosions and muzzle flashes. Just check out these before and afters to see the difference! [h3]Old:[/h3] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1174392604192935958/1228126211436318853/Old_Bomb_VFX_-_Hit_3.gif?ex=662ae8aa&is=661873aa&hm=14e8123c4f9517d209c5890c04530e6b4bc46f4e0c205ac852631b565fed0092&[/img] [h3]New: [/h3] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1174392604192935958/1228126210643460096/New_bomb.gif?ex=662ae8aa&is=661873aa&hm=d098f0eb214408d06205ca354fd74d7dc623e042b60f295c0950f4569065bfb9&[/img] [h3]Old[/h3] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1174392604192935958/1228134375154122855/HE_Metal_old.gif?ex=662af044&is=66187b44&hm=eb68bdca704c6aad4b5157332c732a80dbdbbe5f16ec0090dc529703d5b188ca&[/img] [h3]New[/h3] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1174392604192935958/1228134374512529439/HE_Metal_new.gif?ex=662af044&is=66187b44&hm=0ba06d8a6e4169483fd5ce43ca4cfbefe70ae7e40217fd31488a51eaea29b136&[/img] [h3]New Logistics Buildables[/h3] Logi squads have brand new buildables, including a M2HB 50 cal bunker. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31533869/56bcfa9ccac5379c9dcbd360966121015255e686.jpg[/img] [h2]Changelog:[/h2] [b]Level Design[/b] [list] [*] Multiple level design amends on Chapter 1 maps [*] Lighting amends all maps [*] Maginot tunnels added [*] Def spawns moved on some small maps [*] New loading screens for maps [*] Interior furnishing on Chapter 1 maps [*] HLOD test Carentan [/list] [b]Art Amends[/b] [list] [*] Multiple new logistics buildables (faction specific) [*] Multiple environment art & building models improved graphically [/list] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list] [*] Allowed MGs & mortars to be useable by both teams [*] Stopped fixed AT guns being used by both factions [/list] [b]New Weapons[/b] [list] [*] Berthier 1907 (FR) [*] Colt 1917 Revolver (US) [*] Webley Mk6 Revolver (GB) [*] P14 Sniper (ANZAC) [*] RSC 1917 (FR) [*] Mle. 1892 Revolver (FR) [*] Ruby Pistol (FR) [*] MG08/15 (GER) [*] Browning HP (GB) [*] Browning Pistole 640b (GER) [*] Anti Tank K98 Grenade Launcher (GER) [*] SMLE No.1 MK3 Cup Discharger (ANZAC) [*] Emplaced M2HB .50cal (US) [*] Emplaced St Etienne (Greek) [*] Emplaced MG08/15 (GER) [*] M3 37mm AT Gun (US) [/list] [b]Animations[/b] [list] [*] Amended Lee Enfield animation to be more realistic [/list] [b]Infantry Faction Amends [/b] [i]France 1940[/i] [list] [*] Mortier Leger (changed primary rifle to the RSC 1917) [*] Commandant all variants (changed side arm to the Mle. 1892 Revolver) [*] Medecin de combat (changed side arm to the Ruby Pistol) [/list] [i]Wehrmacht 1940[/i] [list] [*] Created new MG role (MG08/15) [/list] [i]Waffen SS[/i] [list] [*] Sanitäter (changed side arm to Browning Pistole 640b) [*] Funker (changed side arm to Browning Pistole 640b) [/list] [i]Wehrmacht 1944[/i] [list] [*] Schießbecher (added Anti Tank K98 Grenade Launcher ) [/list] [i]Anzac[/i] [list] [*] Marksman (changed primary rifle to the P14 sniper) [*] Created Grenadier role (added SMLE No.1 MK3 Cup Discharger) [/list] [i]Greeks[/i] [list] [*] Light mortar (changed primary rifle to Berthier 1907) [*] Ensured NCO lee Enfield role has a lee Enfield mk3 (bug fix) [/list] [i]All US factions[/i] [list] [*] All tank crew (inc the SL) (change sidearm to the Colt 1917 Revolver) [/list] [i]UK factions[/i] [list] [*] Officer all variants (changed side arm to Webley Mk6 Revolver) [*] Radioman (changed sidearm to Browning HP) [/list] [b]Logistics Buildable amends[/b] [i]Crete Factions[/i] [list] [*] Removed the Pak38 from the 1941 Falschirmjager & gebirgsjager (crete maps) [*] Added LG40 to the Falschirmjager & gebirgsjager (crete maps) [*] Removed QF gun from ANZACs & Greeks (crete maps) [*] Changed the greek emplacement mg from the vickers to the emplaced st etienne [/list] [i]1940 Wehrmacht[/i] [list] [*] Added emplaced MG08/15 [*] Added Pak36 [/list] [i]French 1940[/i] [list] [*] Added APX [*] Added Hotchkiss MG [/list] [i]All US Factions[/i] [list] [*] Added M2HB 50cal (classed as an infantry support weapon so logistics buildable only, should have the same restrictions as the German 20mm & cost the same to build & reload) [*] Added M3 37mm AT gun [/list] [b]Armour changes[/b] [list] [*] Re-zeroed all tank & AT gun sights [*] Assigned historically accurate magnification to sights [/list] [b]VFX/SFX Upgrade & Optimisation[/b] [list] [*] New plane bomb blasts [*] New HE shell explosions (metal/armour/wood) [*] New artillery explosions (gravel/sand etc) [*] Added Muzzle Flash FX [*] Added faction-specific historically accurate tracer colours [/list] [b]User Interface[/b] [list] [*] Moving mouse over a radio on mini map shows build range and radio exclusion range [*] Provided toggleable option to always show the above ranges or not [*] Introduced hover widget over deployables to show cost & how many built [*] Updated buildables UI [*] Updated legend for spawn screen [*] Updated UIs showing radio/spawn tent/supplies status in vicinity of radios [*] Improved equipment icons [/list] [b]Performance[/b] [list] [*] Draw calls reduced on a significant number of environment art assets [*] Added LODs to Wheel Controllers [*] Set server queue limits to 15 (reduces server load) [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed shadow pooling on Chapter 2 maps [*] Texture fixes on Dinnant [*] Fixed player head variation not working [*] Fixed AT emplacements being visible to the other team [*] Fixed water kill volumes not killing certain vehicles [*] Fixed Radio dig down/Spawn tent exploit [*] Cleaned up camera system on emplaced guns [*] French Cdr car now visible on minimap [*] Added Polish flag to Polish layers [/list]