[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31533869/3420d373c74529e301f640843434d7c4cf94c1a1.jpg[/img] We recently announced in a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IBLL3pH2p8&feature=youtu.be]video with DiplexHeated[/url] the introduction of the US Airborne Faction into Post Scriptum. In that video you will see the new player models and weapons that we have been working on (and still needs some fine tuning). We will be releasing the US Airborne Faction as a free update shortly after the initial release of Post Scriptum. This will include new weapons and 3 Maps. Our initial focus in Post Scriptum was to cover the Battle of Arnhem between the 1st British Airborne and German forces. With the introduction of the US Airborne, we are expanding Post Scriptum to cover events around “Hell’s Highway” which saw US Airborne troops fight alongside the British Tank Corps as they pushed to link up with landed elements of the British / Polish Airborne, 82nd Airborne and 101st Airborne around Arnhem, Eindhoven and Nijmegen. You can expect to play elements of the [b]82nd Airborne and 101st Airborne[/b] during Operation Market Garden in Holland, 1944 with [b]3 additional maps (8 total)[/b] recreating the infamous “Hell’s Highway” around Veghel and Grave, Holland. These are some of the weapons / equipment you can expect to see: [list] [*]M1 Garand [*]M1 Carbine [*]Browning M1919 MG [*]M1918 B.A.R [*]Springfield M1903A4 [*]Springfield M1903 [*]M1 Thompson [*]M3A1 Grease Gun [*]M17 Grenade Launcher [*]Mk.2 Grenade [*]Colt M1911 [*]M9A1 Bazooka [*]3D Scanned Uniforms [*]Canteen [*]Binoculars [/list] We are very excited to share this news of the US Airborne faction into PS. In the weeks to come we will be showcasing more information on this along with more features you can expect to see in the game. Our Pre-orders will be opening in the near future on our Steam page. Don’t forget to add it to your Steam wish-list to be informed when Pre-orders go live! ~ Periscope Games