Greetings! We are still full steam ahead with fixes and optimizations to Post Scriptum alongside our new feedback program “Through the Periscope”. However there is a more urgent and pressing matter we feel that needs your attention, Post Scriptum like many other games in the genre relies very heavily on history and the archival of this in order to do what we do. And with the war slowly reaching its 100-year mark, we are very grateful for the many museums and curators who work to preserve the history that is very quickly disappearing from memories of individuals. [url=][img][/img][/url] One such place is the [url=]Airborne Museum located in the former Hotel Hartenstein[/url], Oosterbeek. This museum works almost exclusively with acquiring and preserving history around Operation Market Garden, the airborne operation to secure several key bridges in the Netherlands. Post Scriptum itself features this theatre of war as part of our first and biggest chapter “The Bloody Seventh”. But they are in serious trouble at the moment and needs your help! [img][/img] The Airborne Museum has been in existence since 1949. And in the last three years, the museum has undergone a major and quite extensive restoration all of the permanent exhibitions has been completely renewed. The re-opening of the newly restored museum was planned for 13 March 2020, but due to the recent COVID-19 Pandemic, it could not reopen and the museum was closed until 1 June. From this date onward they are limited to how many visitors they can admit, which severely hampers them in recovering from the pandemic and the restoration cost. [img][/img] In order to help the Airborne Museum, Periscope Games will be partnering up with [url=]EASY Company[/url], the [url=]Community Cooperation Team[/url] and some of our wonderful partners to bring you an all-day event on the 27th of June! The event will primarily focus fundraising for the hotel and they have a lot of stuff planned! We highly encourage you all to join the events or watch the streams surrounding it as EASY will be giving away several copies of our game in support of the fundraiser! [h1][url=]DONATE[/url][/h1] If you would like to donate towards saving the museum and preserving this important part of history, then you can do so via the donate button above or [url=]here[/url]. Alternatively you can donate via their [url=]official homepage[/url]. If you would like to know more about the Airborne Museum you can see info [url=]here[/url]