[h2]Greetings folks![/h2] We’re excited to announce the final step in our re-brand: introducing [b]Squad 44mm![/b] Become immersed in World War II warfare from the ground up, literally! Even the smallest of soldiers can turn the tides of war, especially infantry. Take on WWII from an entirely new perspective! [h2]With our new name comes three new game modes:[/h2] [h3]Lily Pad Invasion[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31533869/4113ddcdd4e2bf19644b5b96db7751b88ace8f79.png[/img] Storm the shores and take over the backyard! Make sure to watch out for environmental hazards like frogs, newts, and pesky dragonflies! [h3]Panzer Garden Party[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31533869/7994f7206a9e8cdff3207a843662bb0dce63c0b0.png[/img] War is no picnic, folks. Hit the garden with your tot-sized tanks and dig up that soil! Leave no blade of grass unclipped! [h3]BONUS MODE: Lieutenant Colonels Tea Time[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31533869/e84e7127894d2e68c3be454fa68f19fdd87d23f0.png[/img] Sneak into the lieutenant colonel's office and sabotage his tea with too much sugar! Watch out: he may spit out hot tea with disgust! [h2]We hope you like the new direction of Squad 44mm. Let us know your thoughts in the comments![/h2]