Greetings! We feel it’s important to keep our users informed and up to date when it comes to issues that so directly affects their experience. On the 5th of May, we released patch v2.0.708.14663 and a new issue was found causing some users to have excessively long loading times on game start, upwards of 20 minutes and some simply refuse to load at all. Following this, we quickly pushed hotfix v2.0.716.14697 on May 7th in a hope of resolving the issue but to no avail. After this, we were quiet about the issue causing some users concern as to the status and progress in resolving the issue. This we can only apologize for. We have since then worked with our support and testing team to find the cause of this new issue and to resolve it. The initial hypothesis revolved around the issue being localized to users with mechanical hard drives (HDD’s), this was the pattern we kept seeing over and over, but we later uncovered some users with fast solid-state drives (SSD’s) with the same or similar issue. While investigating loading times we found some major issues in how Post Scriptum loads game content, most concerningly we found that the game loads massive amounts of assets when the game first loads, most of these the game doesn’t even need to load. Although there can be other issues that might be contributing to increased loading time that we might not know about and that we may discover as we continue working on the issue. But to fully understand this, we need to get a little bit technical. When Post Scriptum loads content it loads via references to files, this is what causes the game to decide what it should and shouldn’t load at any given time. In our case we found that there were many references that were entirely unnecessary and as thus, was causing the game to load in assets that aren’t required, this causes a number of issues one of which is the potential of contributing to the long loading time. What all of this means is that as of right now we have eliminated over 12 minutes of loading times from standard loading during testing, this has been very consistent over multiple tests by different testers. Some tests indicate that some users have gone from loading into the game within 5, 10 or even 20 minutes to mere seconds thanks to the optimization on how the game references assets. We are still working on the issue as we want to ensure that the loading time is as good as it can be across the entire game, this ensures that we aren’t just shifting the problem from one place to another. Lastly, we want to thank everyone who has raised the concern with us, submitted tickets and helped us investigate the issue. For those who are experiencing the issue we understand the frustration and ask that you be patient with us as we work through the issue. We obviously highly encourage any user experiencing issues to contact [url=]support[/url] as they are able to better help you with your issues. There is a temporary workaround that may work for some users, which involves moving Post Scriptum from an HDD to an SSD, this is by no means a fix, but it can work as a temporary workaround while the issue is being resolved by us. See: for information about how to move your game installations. Sincerely, [b]Periscope Games[/b] [img][/img]