[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31533869/04083557d674ffdbe8ab278d56a7a2cc23663242.jpg[/img] It has been two years and it all still feels quite surreal to be here today. Post Scriptum started as a mod with the idea of creating the tactical game of our dreams. The team made a lot of personal sacrifices without the knowledge that this mere passion would develop into a professional product that so many others would able to enjoy. That passion has been put to the ultimate test, transforming a dream into an entity that requires production planning, deadlines and inter-team cooperation; all whilst under the immense pressure to deliver not only an outstanding game, but one we want to play. This has not changed anything of the original dream, a passion can only be materialized through commitment. Which would never have been possible without your faith in our vision. Today we would like to release Post Scriptum to the world. But you must know that this is not the end, only the beginning. We are actively working on new content to release, such as our biggest map, Arnhem, the US Airborne Faction, new game modes and constant improvements to gameplay and optimization. As of today you will be able to review Post Scriptum on Steam and we expect you to be honest! We could not have arrived to where we are today without the amazing support from you, our community. This release is only the first step and we are eager to keep advancing Post Scriptum to be better. From all of the team at Periscope Games, we sincerely hope you enjoy the game, and we thank you, for everything. ~ Periscope Games https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ3YYgQ_IKw