Greetings! Welcome back to our second modding spotlight, it is time for us to take a look at some more mods created by our community. This time around we will be taking a look at a vehicle, a map and we will finish off with a realism mod for all those who feel Post Scriptum isn't hardcore enough! If you are a modder with a burning passion and a mod you want to tell the world about, you can [b][url=]submit your mod to the modding spotlight here[/url][/b]. If you want to get into modding in Post Scriptum, share your mods with other modders or maybe you just want to chat with us and other modders, then you can do so via our [b][url=]Official Modding Hub Discord[/url][/b]. [h1]Sturmtiger[/h1] [h2]Created by: Internoto[/h2] [img][/img] The [b]Sturmmörserwagen 606/4 mit 38 cm RW 61[/b] or more affectionately known as "[b]Sturmtiger[/b]" is a heavy assault gun built on the chassis of the Panzerkampfwagen VI "Tiger" equipped with a 380mm rocket-propelled howitzer. This tank was originally envisioned as the means to destroy heavy fortifications with only a single or few shots required. [img][/img] The tank saw service through several battles during the late 1944-1945 offensive on the Western front. The Sturmtiger mod created by Internoto is built using the existing Tiger 1 model feature in our SDK, followed by texture and sound work. He explained that having never worked with Unreal Engine, he didn't know anything about importing and creating vehicles. But received help from our modding community to get started. The first mod version uploaded had just one layer of Grave with a specialized spawner for the Sturmtiger, which can be used by everyone, the idea is that allowing the infantry to use the assault gun would allow Armoured crews to focus on tank combat while infantry can use the vehicle for support. [img][/img] The reloading takes quite a significant amount of time, 5 minutes in-game, however, in real life it would take up to 15 minutes to reload, which means you won't spend a significant portion of the game waiting for your reload. The vehicle can be crewed by a 4 man team which consists of a Driver, Gunner, Commander and Hull Gunner as with all other tanks in the game, the armour is very good for being an assault tank given it is built on top of the chassis of the Tiger 1 and so it can function very well as a mobile bunker. [img][/img] Only the commander is capable of turning out and looking around, so infantry support is an absolute must if this vehicle is to function as intended. Due to the long reload it has very little chance to defend itself from enemies. Because the mortar is rocket-propelled you can fire the 380mm shell which weighs about 330 kg quite far. Meaning it can be useful to have spotters relay locations and distance to the target, allowing the Sturmtiger to fire from distance. Internoto mentions that in a future update he would like to create a new section specifically to crew the Sturmtiger and make it so that the crew are the only ones who can utilize this monster of an assault gun. [img][/img] He is also working on an allied counterpart in the form of the Churchill AVRE which we might cover in a future modding spotlight. Lastly, Internoto promises that he will update the vehicle to function with the new Armour Overhaul system, allowing the tank to function with the new tanks coming to Post Scriptum. [previewyoutube=xcpxkMRZ31I;full][/previewyoutube] [h1]Villers Bocage[/h1] [h2]Created by: Salami1991[/h2] [img][/img] The next mod is a map of the French town Villers Bocage created by Salami1991 by using accurate aerial reconnaissance images from WW2 as well as maps. [img][/img] Set in the early morning of June the 13th 1944 one week after the Normandy Landings. The British attempt to improve their position by exploiting a gap in the German defences west of the city of Caen. Realising this gap the Germans send out the 101st SS Heavy Panzer Battalion. [img][/img] This area mimics what you already experience in Post Scriptum's Chapter 3 with a bit more emphasis on changing terrain height. [img][/img] The map itself is actually Salami's second map, which attempts to recreate the town and battle setting as accurately as possible, the map itself currently only features one layer, but once more bugs have been ironed out, he plans to create even more layers for the map. [img][/img] [h1]Post Scriptum Realism Mod[/h1] [h2]Created by: PSRM Team[/h2] [img][/img] The last mod we are taking a look at is the Post Scriptum Realism Mod that is heavily tailored towards the event and one life community. People who seek a very hardcore gameplay experience with a more in-depth and realistic setting within PS. We will leave it up to the mod team themselves to explain the details of the mod. With PSRM you can find many new features including new maps, models, buildings, vehicles and other various changes to the core gameplay and dynamics of the Post Scriptum experience. We strive for historical accuracy and intense gameplay. While not totally designed for public places at this time and more garnered to the “clan” event style events, we intend on adding new layers and some sort of public accessibility in the future. Right now, we're slatted to put out a new update (9/1) crammed with multiple new features over what we have now. All vanilla maps are in the new update and a few from the community have been great with allowing us to have access to their content. [img][/img] Vanilla Vehicles haven't really been touched; we are waiting for the ever-anticipated Armor Overhaul. Although we do have a few custom vehicles added, which include a Jeep and a Kubelwagen. And with a massive overhaul of weapon sway, recoil and a change to the zooming feature, we feel a majority of these are a bit more realistic and are continually being tweaked before our next update push. We've added and removed specific items from roles and kits, as well as working on placement options for weapons teams. MG base/weapon and Mortar base/weapon. We wanted to add a bit more options to event creators and units who wish to portray extra parts of their platoons. A good chunk of the realism community has their own skins added per their historical recommendations and suggestions, with more being added as we continue! We did run into a problem with a LARGE influx of "kits", and hopefully by the next release, we'll have a folder-based system that will narrow down these selections into a more organized system. We've also added flares to mortars for night events or signals. And also, we've added trip flares to a few speciality classes. Our greatest highlight right now is Commander call in Para Drops and Glider drops (gliders also can spawn X amount of vehicles). We've also limited the amount of resupplies ammo crates have and will be introducing new smaller crates that are deployable and limited on amounts of ammo etc. There are a few vehicles we have added this to also! We've also touched on a few stamina options as well. Drawing out the stamina drain and increasing regen. With that, we took away the canteen from all classes, as it seemed a bit odd to "drink water" in the midst of a firefight. We wanted to simulate longer firefights and engagements with some of these tweaks. Jumping also took a bit of a hit, so continuous jumping takes a penalty. While fall damage is decreased a bit so "larger" falls don't hinder a player as often. Another thing we're adding in the next few updates is hand signals that are authentic to both the Allied factions and Axis arm signals. We also removed the team restriction for vehicles and guns. Just to eliminate creator issues. Players are invisible on the map outside of 33m, anything beyond is not viewable. Flashlights and vehicle lights have also been added to the mod. [img][/img] We will have a new map "Nijmegen" that's still under development but will be in the next update. We have 1 for sure that's hoping to be released inside the next major update. While the mod is a group cooperative, we continue to share what we've created with other modding communities and chapters that are coming! We love that the community is so open to helping and sharing assets. And we hope to continue to add what we can, where we can. [img][/img] This mod is designed and created for the realism community. We hope to possibly add an option for public play, but with it being so intense, we are looking at ways to make it more appealing to the public non-unit players. With the upcoming Market Garden Campaign that's starting Sept. 17th, we're super excited to see how far in-depth and how much it will change the gameplay. Future ideas and hopes we are looking at after the next big release, new map additions, dynamic weather, dynamic lighting. More vehicles. Hopefully weapons, but this is a far stretch as of right now. Training maps and a lot more tweaks. Especially after the AA releases. Depending on what happens with that, we're looking into adding vehicle ride on slots also. The great thing with this mod is the amount of cooperation we've had from the mod community and other units. This mod itself is a conglomeration of Three mods into one. Originally it was the AEF Realism Mod, At The Front & 363 Core Mod. We took all the great features of each and merged them into one. This honestly, has been a great team to be a part of and to see friendships and ideas grow out of it has been exciting and amazing. From learning new skills to random conversations late at night. I'm excited and happy to be a part of a group that cares about fun, the community and creating an exciting experience for others to enjoy. So there you have it! What an awesome mod, but just before we move on we want to share that you can join the [b][url=]PSRM Discord server here[/url][/b] [previewyoutube=dhiOO1Db8ag;full][/previewyoutube] And with that, we have come to the end of another modding spotlight. We are so excited to see all these mods and the exceptional work modders have been doing. But for now, we thank you for reading and we will see you in the next spotlight! Sincerely, [b]Periscope Games[/b] [img][/img] [url=][h2]JOIN THE DISCUSSION ON DISCORD[/h2][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]