Hey folks! This patch includes performance fixes, as well as logistics changes based on community feedback. Please note, that logistics will continue to be refined and updated as we move forward, so keep your feedback coming! We greatly appreciate it. We're continuing to refine the art direction behind the scenes, stay tuned for future content previews and updates. [h2]Changelog - 14/03/2024[/h2] [h3]Logistics changes[/h3] [list] [*] All first defensive caps get 1000 supplies in offensive [*] Aligned spawn vehicles on all offensive layers to 2x Inf logistics (1000 supplies each), 2x logistics (2000 supplies each), 1x MSP [*] Allowed all logistics players to build everything including spawn tents [*] Removed requirement for logistics players to need a second player with them to build a radio/spawn tent [*] Changed Radio exclusion zone to 300m [*] Changed buildable area around radio to 150m [*] Changed buildable area around supplies to 150m [*] Changed resupply range to 150m [*] Changed weapon buildable limits and costs: so now (per faction) max 8 Fobs (500 supplies), 8 repair cranes (250 supplies), 10 Ammo Boxes (100 supplies), 4 Large AT Guns (not 20mm or 50cal) (800 supplies except Flak36 (1000 supplies)), 2 Heavy Support weapons (20mm/50 cal) (500 supplies), 6 Mortars (500 supplies), 10 MGs (100 supplies) [Upgrade cost 50 supplies]. [*] Changed Obstacle building costs and limits: so now (per faction) max 30 ladders (50 supplies), 30 AT obstacles (100 supplies), 30 Razor wire (50 supplies), 30 Sandbag barricade (100 supplies), 30 Wooden Barricade (100 supplies) [*] Changed Fortification building costs and limits: so now (per faction) 30 Sandbag W Logs (100 supplies), 30 Regular Sandbag Logs (100 supplies), 30 Small sandbags (50 supplies), 30 sandbag nest (150), 30 bunkers (200) [*] Removed the roofless bunker [*] Players cant build in red zones (red zones to be adjusted for attackers and defenders all layers remains work in progress) [/list] [h3]Rearm cost of weapons[/h3] [list] [*] MGs - 50 supply refill to full [*] Mortars - 300 supplies refill to full [*] Heavy Support Weapons - 300 supplies refill to full [*] Large AT Guns - 300 supplies to refill to full [/list] [h3]Performance[/h3] [list] [*] Bone LODs introduced to improve performance [*] Logistics trucks and Inf Logistics Trucks related FPS drop fixed [*] Virtual Textures removed (approx 500 MIs and textures amended) to prevent client crashes [/list] [h3]Art Amends[/h3] [list] [*] New tarpaulin for the German Infantry Supplies Truck [/list] [h3]Known Bugs[/h3] [list] [*] Reloading deployable weapons will only reload one ammo type [*] Buildable pontoons can be bugged [*] Buildable MGs and AT Guns can be jumpy [*] Map markers on players can be offset [/list]