Our testing build is now online and you can now experience the iconic paradrop as British Airborne troops jump out of waves of C-47 Skytrains along with Commander Artillery Barrages. Pre-order to get instant access to our testing weekend. Full list of changes [code] -Gameplay: New spawn restriction on MSP (restriction visible on the minimap as SL, or MSP driver) -Gameplay: Commander icon on the minimap -Gameplay: Sniper sway is smoother -Gameplay: Markers are visible over greater distance -Gameplay: Engine torque fixed on multiple vehicles -Gameplay: Pontoon can no longer be destroyed or un shoveled -Gameplay: Armored and Logi section can only be locked if a minimum of 3 players are in -Gameplay: Weapon sway on low stamina tweaked -Gameplay: Pontoon icons are invisible to defenders -Gameplay: Poontoon icon change based on their status -Gameplay: Hovering the mouse over a vehicle on the minimap show player's names -Gameplay: Bushes and small rivers will affect your running speed -Gameplay: HUD marker distance visibility increased by 50 meters -Gameplay: Pontoon icon is changing color based on its health state -Add: Heelsum S06, S07, S08 -Add: Driel S06, S07, D01, D02 -Add: Oosterbeek S06, S07, D01 -Add: Artillery module for Commander -Add: Coaxial MG34 to Stug III and Jagdpanzer 4 -Add: Coaxial BESA MG to T17 -Add: New Radial UI -Fix: Ladders can be climbed again -Fix: Downscaled textures unnecessary too big -Fix: Optimized some explosion FX -Fix: Tanks are no longer firing small grenades in slomo -Fix: Grass density increased -Fix: Main menu music colume setting -Fix: Vehicle UI should no longer stay after death -Fix: Possible fix on bombs not being played on all clients -Fix: Deployables can no longer be placed on soldiers volumes -Fix: Possible fix on vehicle UI staying on screen after death[/code]