Hello everyone, Since in our last letter, we said we would increase our communication with the community, here are some updates about what’s going on internally and most importantly, what you guys should expect in the very near future. We are currently working on a patch with the following changes and more. A new vehicle will soon be available to both Wehrmacht and Waffen SS, the Sdkfz.7 with a Flak 38 mounted on its flatbed. This vehicle will not have any section restriction. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31533869/851f2653e31b5b710ff3c30417fde5a250e0ac27.png[/img] You will also be able to man a few emplaced Flak 36 88mm shielded and unshielded on some layers of Driel and Oosterbeek. British, be careful and fear the mighty 88mm! [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31533869/14aa0ccc67b95d1b8643745431367988a238a5a2.png[/img] Also, players from France, China and Italy will be pleased to hear that our community localization team completed these translations. More will come very soon! Massive thanks to them! You guys rock! We also fixed a few issues, like tree collision on some maps, Doorwerth castle collision also got some tweaks. Full changelog will be posted on patch release. Stay tuned! PS: German law on censored symbols is being currently being changed, we are in talk with the USK rating agency in order to get Post Scriptum reviewed and we dearly hope it will pass so the German PS community can play the uncensored version of Post Scriptum. However, if these talks don’t have a positive outcome, we will have to figure the best way to proceed with multi versioning. Sincerely, Periscope Games [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31533869/435fe6f394b0be4f0a201a706f02950da6cd28c7.png[/img]