Greetings! This patch should enable basic functionality for downloading and running mods on a server. [b]How to Download Mod to Server:[/b] [b]Post Scriptum AppID:[/b] 736220 You will need to change out the AppID with Post Scriptum's. Alternatively, you can find a guide on our discord. The link to which is at the bottom of the post. [h3]Changelog v2.1.1088.314[/h3] [list][*] Fixed servers being unable to start with mods. [*] Made some more minor fixes to Utah geo.[/list] Sincerely, [b]Periscope Games[/b] [img][/img] [url=][h2]JOIN THE DISCUSSION ON DISCORD[/h2][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [h3]Roadmap 2021[/h3] [url=][img][/img][/url]