Hey folks, coming in with a hotfix for performance and FPS issues! Check out all the details in the changelog below. [h2]Hotfix Jul 10th - Changelog V1.3.2 [/h2] [b]Performance[/b] [list] [*] Temporarily removed 3D compass (possible FPS killer) [*] Disabled collision on the Gammon bomb, Fumigene and No77 grenades [/list] [b]Vehicles[/b] [list] [*] Fixed Chevrolet Truck collision [*] Fixed Hetzer, Stug 3A, H35, R35, Vickers, Challenger, Churchill, Firefly, M4A3, Matilda, Pershing, Comet, Cromwell, M10, Tetrarch, Hellcat, Jackson, Chaffee, Valentine and Stuart side armour values [*] Fixed Puma shaking at high speed [*] Added rear vision port for the driver of the Puma [*] Increased Sherman Jumbo top speed to 35kph (from 25kph) [*] Slightly decreased E8 top speed to 44kph [*] Decreased Firefly top speed to 40kph (from 50kph) [*] Decreased King Tiger top speed to 40kph (from 45kph) [*] Fixed Nashorn and Sturmer Emil shrinking players on exit [*] Improved handling of R35, S35, Sdfkz 222, Panzer 3G, Sturer Emil, Matilda, Hellcat, Churchill, Challenger, Comet and Cromwell tanks [*] Improved handling of Panzer 4H and Ostwind, decreased max speed of both to 38kph [*] Reduced Hetzer hull health to 1800 (from 3000) [*] Refined collision mesh on Marder 3 for ammo racks [*] Fixed Marder 3, Nashorn and Sturer Emil vehicles ammo racks not taking spalling damage [*] Fixed King Tiger, Jagdtiger and M4A3 Sherman MGs not damaging infantry [*] Fixed all Sherman driver and hull mg periscopes to avoid clashing with main gun [*] Fixed missing texture on Churchill MkVII hatch [*] Fixed challenger tanks internal collision poking through mesh [*] Added 6x zoom to M10C Achilles gun sight [*] Updated ranging chart on Panzerwerfer [*] Decreased Panzerwerfer top speed to 40kph [*] Fixed Panzerwerfer winter being unable to drive [*] Reordered Pershing Ammo [*] Increased Ostwind ammo capacity to 200 APHE and HE (changed AP to APHE) [*] Fixed Sherman M4A3E8 using incorrect calibre values [*] Standardised spalling and damage values for a number of projectiles [*] AP Damage:1000 APCR: 750 APHE/APCBC: 500 Spalling: 20mm=3/1, 40mm=8/4, 75mm=6/12. [*] Lowered damage values on APDS rounds [*] Added smoke rounds to M18 Hellcat [/list] [b]Weapons[/b] [list] [*] Fixed Piat HEAT round having collision [*] Increased MOA on AT weapons by 50% [*] Fixed machine guns reload continuing to play on weapon exit [/list] [b]UI[/b] [list] [*] Fixed role icons overlapping [/list] [b]SFX[/b] [list] [*] Added attenuation to Calliope and Panzerwerfer rockets [/list] [b]Level Design[/b] [list] [*] For generator objectives on Frontline, made the objective more clear (blocked other area) [*] Fixed first flag missing on Veghel Frontline [*] Improved Frontline randomiser [*] Returned missing commander assets to Rethymno layers [*] Fixed Haguenau Of 7 UK main base vehicle spawner [*] Moved camera away from ambient mortar on Utah Inv 01 and 02 [*] Staggered ambient mortars on Utah [*] Changed vehicle spawners on Utah Inv 01 and 02 to larger boats [/list] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list] [*] Added new tanks to armoured 1940 layers [*] Added new tanks to armoured 1944 layers [*] Removed duplicate tanks to improved variety on armoured layers [/list] [b]Bug Fixing[/b] [list] [*] Fixed collision issue on Driel Kerk [*] Crash fix in ODK initialisation [*] Allow joining a server while waiting in another by destroying current session before starting next [*] Fixed victory screen camera positions [*] Improved main menu visibility [/list]