[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31533869/c050b3046472bcb260a01cbbc32f009760808590.png[/img] As officially announced since the start of the Autumn sale, Post Scriptum offered a 25% discount on all its packages. However, as of today, due to a miscommunication with Valve, the discount was increased to 50% for the Standard Edition package while the Supporter Edition remained at 25%. We are looking into rectifying the issue by levelling up the Supporter Edition package as well to 50% discount. We are in contact with Valve and hopefully it will be applied very soon. If you've bought Post Scriptum at the initial 25% discount price, you can refund it per Steam’s refund policy and purchase it again with a discount of 50%. Happy Thanksgiving for those across the ocean and we hope that everyone’s enjoying the 4.21 release. Sincerely, Periscope Games [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31533869/d0406d44e053f7a14d6b82372b4635ba3b4f071e.png[/img]